Chapter 12: Back to the hospital

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Stephen dragged Dan upto Hosuh, grabbing him and going to an empty room. Hosuh yelped, pulling away. "Ow! Stephen! Lemme go!" he screamed, "And let Dan go! You could hurt him!" he hissed, pulling Dan away.

"Listen- there's something wrong. With... Him." he whispered, making Hosuh turn his head in confusion.

"What do you mean? And your acting like Dan can't hear you." He whispered back, making Dan glance over.

"Yes?" he asked, about to walk over.

"No! Nothing," Stephen replied, motioning for Dan to not approach. He did as told, going back to minding his own buisness.

Hosuh stared at him, realizing Dan never obeys anything Stephen says. "What the fu-"

"Right?!" he exclaimed as they both eyed the green haired man.


Jay, Anne and Jo sat at the breakfast table the next day, Stephen, Hosuh and Dan walking into the kitchen. He immediately walked upto Anne, playing with her hair. "Your hair is pretty," he giggled, making her cringe a bit.

"U-uh... Thank you..." she muttered, nervously glancing over at Jay and Jo, both looking just as uncomfortable than herself. "Are you drunk?" she asked suddenly.

"Drunk? Goodness no- mom always tells me not to- or I'd be locked in the cellar- and Dad says it's bad for me and my health," Dan giggled, everyone staring at him worriedly.

"Mom?" Jo asked.

"He's gone insane..." Jay whispered.

"That's it- hurry with breakfast- we're going back to the hospital," Hosuh told the others.

"Yay!" Dan cooed.


Dan's friends sat in the waiting room, Jay, Anne and Jo bombing Stephen and Hosuh with questions. "How long was this happening? How long was he acting like... That?!" Jo exclaimed.

"Since last night." Stephen replied. "First, when I called him Dan- he asked if that was his name- then when we were looking through his Disneyland folder, he asked who a person was in one of the photos... Get this- it was him." he explained.

The doctor walked over, Dan by his side. The others glanced over as he happily nibbled on a lollipop. "I... Have terrible news..." he muttered as he motioning for Dan to go to his friends.

"W-what is it?" Hosuh asked as Dan obeyed, sitting next Anne and leaning on her shoulder.

"Well... When the car hit him- I guess he must have hit the something with the back of his head... Because the last doctor said- when she was stitching his head- she noticed his brain was... Badly damaged. So what I believe your friend has is... Amnesia... I spoke to him a bit to see what he remembers- but while he was explaining what he did the past few months... He kept saying...


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