Chapter 5: Forgiveness? For what?

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Stephen and Tsithema gasped, seeing Dan leaning on the kitchen counter. He whimpered as he held his stomach, trying to walk away. "Danny! Oh dear, I'm sorry!" she exclaimed, hurrying over. She hovered next to him, a wave of saddness consuming her as she tried to touch him. She moved her hand away, looking up at Stephen, "Can you get bandages?" she asked.

"Oh- yeah, but can't you?" he asked, pulling a first aid kit out from under the sink.

"OW!" He exclaimed wincing, pulling away as Stephen pressed a bandage on the bruise on his arm. "Tsithema! Where did you go?!" Dan shouted, "Look!" he exclaimed, pointing at his blackeye, "HOSUH did this!" he shouted.

"I sorry..." Tsithema mumbled, looking down.

Dan sighed, seeing she was truly sorry. "I... I forgive you..." he mumbled.

"Ehem." Stephen huffed as Tsithema giggled. "So- sorry to do this to you but. We were talking and we're dating now~✨" Stephen told Dan, making him freeze in place.

"Dan?" Tsithema asked, as he swayed a bit- holding onto a near by chair.

"I don't feel good..." he mumbled, trying to walk away. Hosuh huffed, still angry- walking into the kitchen, still throwing his 'tantrum'. His eyes landed on Dan, him noticing him wobbling across the dining room.

The last thing Dan heard was Hosuh and Stephen shout, "Dan!" before everything went black.

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