Chapter 18: She's here

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The group of friends sat in the living room, continuing to watch movies- this time with 3 more people in the room. In the middle of the movie they heard the door slam open. Anne quickly turned off the TV, all of then standing and backing against the wall. "Ugh." Jay was the only one on the couch still, he groaned, assuming it was Tsithema. "Lady! I better not find that door broken!" he exclaimed, standing up.

They all gasped when Dan's mom came onto view, carrying Tsithema in her arms. "Do you see what happens when you don't commit to your fate?" she asked softly, Dan nervously watching his mom drop Tsithema's body in the middle of the room. "Tsithema!" he exclaimed, running over, and carefully taking her in his arms, "Hey, say something.." he whispered, tears filling his eyes.

Her eyes fluttered open, Dan happily smiling, "Thank god, are you okay?" he asked.

"No?" she asked, unzipping her shirt a bit to reveal a hole in her chest.

"Tsithema..." he whispered.

"Are you ready to face me" Asuka asked.

"Why do you always have to bring my friends into our problems!?" Dan shouted suddenly. "Do you see why I ran away!? Your a snake! A lier! And arn't- my- Mom!" he shouted, the room shaking and trembling. His eyes began to glow a pearl white, the room becoming dark as the shaking and trembling became more fierce.

His friends shielded their faces as a small tornado formed around their friend. Dan shouted as his body hovered off the ground, small items beginning to circle around him. "What is this?!" Anne exclaimed as her skirt and hair whipped as Dan's mini tornado's wind blew all around them.

"Don't break my house!" Jay shouted.

As winds of Dan's mini tornado became more fierce, Tsithema stood up weakly- shouting over the rushing winds. "Everyone outside!! Now!!" Dan's friends did as told, running around the tornado and passed Asuka who was standing in complete shock.

Tsithema hovered over the ground, lifting her hands. They glowed a bright purple as a barrier formed around Dan and Asuka. Trapping Dan's mom in her son's whirling wind of fury. She quickly bolted out of the house, joining Dan's friends outside of the house. They all gasped, seeing a light erupt from the windows and open door, leaving all of them to cover their eyes. Shielding their faces from the bright light. Anne look up first, pointing in pure excitement. "Look!! Its DAN!!!"

They all looked immediately, seeing just that. Dan walking out- his hair messy as he headed towards his friends. He panted softly,  followed by a weak chuckle. "You guys are free to come back inside."

They all did just that, coming in to see a giant hole in one side of the house. Jay shouting in pure agony when he saw it, gripping his head. "WHAT THE HELL!!!! HOW AM I GONNA REPAIR THAT????"

Dan looked at the hole in the wall, what Jay said being inaudible as he thought about the cause of it. He looked down, lost in his thoughts.

"She'll be back....... how do I tell them mom escaped...?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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