Chapter 9: In loving memory of Jaiden Animation

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Dan sat at the table in the morning, dark shadows under his eyes as he stared at the breakfast Hosuh made for himself, Stephen and Dan. They noticed he didn't touch his plate, making Hosuh speak up. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Jaiden... She... Cut me off..." Daniel mumbled, "She seemed so happy... Then she suddenly doesn't wanna see me?" he whispered as his breathes became shallow.

"Wait what?" Stephen asked suddenly, "Didn't Jocat say Dan went on the date with the girl yesterday?" he asked Hosuh.

"I think so- that can't be right though... Tsithema said she was gonna go meet up with him," he replied suddenly nervous.

That's when Tsithema floated through the front door, about to head upstairs. Before she can do so- she heard Dan's voice. "W-what did you do?"

She glanced over, meeting his eyes which were filled with tears- streams going down his cheeks like water falls as he stood there, his heart shattered. "I-I saw how you two were acting. I'm sorry, Sweetie~ I won't let anyone have you... Your mine- O̵̧̤̬̥͖̲͍̠̪̲̼͎̰͕̖͗̽̐͌́͛̿̀̾̎̒̐̚ņ̵̭̖͙̻̝̝̙͚̝̍́̉̅̚l̶̳̹̘̞͎̺̘̬̥̣̝͉̗̂̔̌̏̎͋͜y̴̨̨̰̤͈̣̭͂̾̃͐̔̈́̂̓ ̷̝̊͌̅̊̈́̑̀̂̿̈́͛͊̔͘͝m̴̢̫̍į̶̢̪̺͎̗̙͚̗̫̯̺̉́͜͜͜n̵̡̢̨̛̲͍̻̺̟̦͕̤̭̈́́́̃̽̌̅̓̄̍̽͠͠ͅe̸̦̭̲̙̞͖̝̫͈̱̰̖͊͠ͅ.̷̰̦̣͊͊̑̀"

"What did you do to, Jaiden?!" Dan shouted as he sobbed.

"Here ya go~" Tsithema cooed, levitating a giant bag into the house, dropping it in front of Dan.

He looked down at the bag, gathering the courage to open it. When he did, his nervous expression quickly turned into pure agony. "J-Jaiden..." he whispered, covering his mouth as the tears continued to appear. He cried into his hands, sobbing as Tsithema let out a sadistic giggle.

"O̵̧̤̬̥͖̲͍̠̪̲̼͎̰͕̖͗̽̐͌́͛̿̀̾̎̒̐̚ņ̵̭̖͙̻̝̝̙͚̝̍́̉̅̚l̶̳̹̘̞͎̺̘̬̥̣̝͉̗̂̔̌̏̎͋͜y̴̨̨̰̤͈̣̭͂̾̃͐̔̈́̂̓ ̷̝̊͌̅̊̈́̑̀̂̿̈́͛͊̔͘͝m̴̢̫̍į̶̢̪̺͎̗̙͚̗̫̯̺̉́͜͜͜n̵̡̢̨̛̲͍̻̺̟̦͕̤̭̈́́́̃̽̌̅̓̄̍̽͠͠ͅe̸̦̭̲̙̞͖̝̫͈̱̰̖͊͠ͅ.̷̰̦̣͊͊̑̀" she hissed before heading up the stairs- leaving Stephen and Hosuh shocked.

At first they thought this horrible feeling Daniel was feeling was gonna end and he would be done with fighting his single life.

But they were dead wrong...


Stephen shook Hosuh awake, the silver haired man to come face to face with Stephen's tears covering eyes. "Steph! W-what.. What's going on?! What's wrong?!" he exclaimed as Stephen tried hard to control his sobs.

"It's Daniel..."

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