Chapter 11: Remember me?

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Dan and his friends walked into the old apartment- making him glance around in confusion. "Home sweet home!" Stephen sighed, exhausted.

"Can me, Anne and Jay sleep over- just to give you a hand with Dan?" Jo asked.(No rhyme intended)

"Whatever." "Sure, Thanks Jocat," Stephen and Hosuh replied in unision. They all went to different rooms, making Dan wanna... Explore. He wandered around the apartment like it was his first time being there. Stephen noticed Dan looking through every drawer, him lifting an eyebrow. "Dan? What're you looking for?"

He however seemed to ignore Stephen, instead finished searching through the papers. He finally pulled out a folder, making him wanna open it. "Ow!" he exclaimed after getting a paper cut- dropping it on the ground. He went on his kneese, carefully cleaning it up, the cut finger in his mouth. He jumped when someone appeared by his side, helping him out. He glanced over, it was the purple haired man. "O-oh! Uh... Thank you." he whispered awkwardly.

"Did you even hear what I said?" Stephen asked him as he shyly flipped through the binder.

"Hear what?" Dan asked.

"I asked you what you were looking for- you completely gave me the cold shoulder.." he explained.

Dan glanced down, then turned to meet Stephen's stumped expression.

"My name is... Dan?" he asked.

"...heh-hahaha!" Stephen broke into laughter, assuming what his friend said was saying was a joke, "Okay okay- good one, dude- here, lemme see that," he mumbled, sliding the folder closer- so he can see the pictures and notes on the pages. "Oh! I remember this! You made this folder completely for the pictures we took whenever we went to Disneyland! Since we always take too many- never actually knowing what to do with them.."

"I did?"

"Yep- look here! Jay took this one!" Stephen exclaimed, remembering the fun they had. Daniel however- looked at the page. Confused. He thought about the day... Nothing... It hurt to try- so he stopped.

That's when he saw a picture in particular. The man in the photo had bright green hair and dark green eyes. The man looked at the camera- a smile on his face as he gave the camera a peace sign. "He looks familiar..." "Ah- hahaha! I know him!" He giggled, making Stephen glance up at him- then down at the picture. "But from where?"

"It's you... Idiot."

DanPlan ({Killing me slowly})Where stories live. Discover now