chapter 15: Amnesia Dan meet Tsithema

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Dan layed in bed, bandages around his chest. Anne, Jay, and Joe had left, leaving Stephen and Hosuh to look after their friend. Fans kept sending mail- asking what happened to the videos- so they had to record without Daniel, and decided to open a discord chat with the fans. After they openeded it, all of them asked what happened, Hosuh and Stephen not really answering. Both we're still shook about what happened between Dan and his parents.

After the chat- they decided to let Dan rest- so they left the house. Moments after they did, Tsithema floated into the house. Then up the stairs. When she saw Dan's bandages, she panicked. "Goodness- Danny! What happened?" she whispered, laying next to him. He woke up, immediately coming face to face with Tsithema. "Sweetie- what happened? You poor thing..." she whispered, him sitting up.

"Mom doesn't like me much..." Dan replied, carefully leaving the bed. "Who are you?" he asked, confused.

"It's me- how do you not know me? Was I really gone that long?" she asked.

"What's your name?" Dan asked, messing with his jacket button.

"Tsithema? Dan- what's wrong with you? How do you not-"

"He has amnesia," a voice said in back of them. She turned to see Hosuh and Stephen standing there. "She ended up in the hospital..." Hosuh explained.

"Oh no- Danny," she whispered, "Is that why that exists?" Tsithema asked, motioning towards the bandages.

"Yep." Stephen replied. "Where did you go?" he asked.

"I... Went to find... A body I can take.." Tsithema replied.

"Tsithema! That's horrible!" Hosuh exclaimed.

"I know I know- I just wanna be able to do stuff live beings can do..." she explained nervously, "like to be able to hug or touch Danny... Maybe a little more..." she whispered, her pale cheeks turning pink.

Dan glanced over, turning his head in confusion. Hosuh covered his ears, glaring at her, "Don't talk like that around him! At least- when he has a pure mind like this!" he exclaimed.

"What does she mean?" Dan asked, moving his hands off of his ears.

"Nothing! Don't worry!" Hosuh exclaimed, leading Dan downstairs. "Why don't we go to the mall?" he smiled, Stephen and Tsithema following.


The friends walked through the building of the town mall. Stephen and Hosuh became more worried when Dan stopped walking, holding his head in pain. "Hey, are you okay?" Tsithema finally said, Dan glancing over.

"I-I'm fine... I just feel a little dizzy..." he replied, waving her off. Without warning, he fell to his hands and knees- people near by noticing. One person in particular ran over, someone with them. One of the girls had brown hair and blond tips while the other had vibrant short pink hair, a strip of red going down the back and the front of her bangs.

"Are you okay sir?" she asked in a soft kind voice.

That was the last thing he heard before everything went black.

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