Stop Whinning

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"Are we there yet~" Newt whined for what had to be the eighth time that day. Minho just rolled his eyes and told him no.

Newt slumped back in his seat like a pointing child which, lets be honest, he totally was.

"Why are you so eager to get to Thomas anyway?" Minho asked, looking at Newt from the mirror.

"Well- I," Newt cut himself off with a sigh, too flustered to give a straight answer.

"What was that? I couldn't hear over your lovesick heart." Minho joked.

"Shut up! Even you think he looks good, my attraction might just be a bit than yours." Newt whined.

"When you two are done bickering, I think we're here." Brenda said, motioning out the window. Where a big 'Welcome To Beacon Hills' sign was.

"Oh bloody hell, I'm not ready for this shit!" Newt squeaked.

"What? I thought you liked Thomas, Newt?" Gally questioned.

"Of course I 'like' Thomas! But what if he doesn't like me back?" Newt mumbled sadly. The whole group being very aware of Newts depression and low-self esteem instantly cooed him and tried to comfort the blonde as best they could.

"Newt, dude, if Thomas doesn't like you back, then I'll personally kick that shanks ass." Frypan said.

"Yeah! We'll kick his ass!" Chuck shouted.

"Chuck!" Minho (jokingly) shouted.

Chick just rolled his eyes, "I'm fifteen, not two."

That caused the group to break out in laughter, bringing Newts happiness meter up. It was nice just like this, joking in the backseat of Minho car. But of course, nothing can ever go over that smoothly. It was Beacon Hills for shucks sake.


Stiles groaned from is bed. The bruises on his back from training being the only thing he could feel. He had tried to move to a better position multiple times, but it just made the brunettes pain worse.

"Goddamn werewolves and their fucking super-healing. Why can't I have something like that?" Stiles questioned softly to himself.

"You could." Derek said from the door way.

"When did you get here?" Stiles questioned, quirking an eyebrow at the man. Derek just rolled his eyes at Stiles, "I've been here Stiles. But getting back on topic, you could have all that 'supernatural shit' as you call it." Derek huffed.

"Wasn't I told that I was too weak to be a werewolf?" Stiles asked.

"Not a werewolf Stiles, something... darker." Derek trailed off.

Stiles could feel his stomach drop. Not him again, not that damn dark kitsune. The bastard that took his friends and his last remaining bit of innocence. The bastard who used his body and went on a mustering spree.

Derek, sensing Stiles' rising panic spoke quickly. "Not exactly the Nogitsune Stiles. You'd be in control this time, and he'd be more of a... second conscience." Derek said.

"What do you mean 'second conscience'?"

"Well I was talking with Deaton, and he said that there was a part of the Nogitsune left inside of you. You see Stiles, when Scott bit him, he was weakened. More weakened than we thought apparently. Because if we were to let the Nogitsune back inside of you, the tables will have turned." Derek said.

Stiles just shook his head. He wasn't taking any chances, not after all the shot he'd been through. "I-I don't think so Derek. After everything that happened, to me, you, my dad... Scott. I don't think that that bastard should be set free."

Derek just nodded his head. "Well, think about it. Deaton said he's free to questions too." And with that he left the room. Leaving Stiles all alone.


A/N: I know I say this a lot, but sorry for the wait! I kept meaning to update, but I've hit rock bottom recently. And I don't know how to exactly cope. For those of you who have been here for a while will know that I've been struggling with this for a long time now. And I absolutely hate that it's been affecting my work ethic, so please forgive me if updates are slow this month.

And in other non-depressing views this fic has recently hit like, 400+ reads. Like jesus fecking Christ you guys are insane but thank you so much! I also told my lovely ELA teacher about my writing and showed her my account. So if you're reading this then... hi I guess. Anywhosies, until next time, stay lovely! ❤️

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