Curtain Call

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The thrill of finding out you landed the part;
The excitement for the day rehearsals start;
The pride you take in delivering each line;
The strive for perfection in the daily grind;
The process of immersing yourself in the role;
A standing ovation being your goal;
The memories made while standing in the wings;
Revelling in the joy the backstage crew brings;
When showtimes rolls around, you know every part;
Every line in the script you know by heart;
The rush of adrenaline on opening night;
The butterflies you have while in the spotlight;
The first is the worst, the greatest the last;
That will always be the mantra of the cast;
They'll become your family, your second home;
It's incredible how close you would've grown;
When the music starts to fade and the lights fall;
When you clamber back on stage for the curtain call;
When you take your bow and it's time to go;
You yearn for the day you begin your next show.


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