~Ch.9: The Actual New Recruit~

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"Greetings, Morrowseer," Silverstripe said with a smug smile as the large NightWing landed in front of her.

"Hello, Silverstripe," Morrowseer said in his usual sullen voice. "Status?"

"Good," Silverstripe said. "Abyss is still living in the Kingdom of the Sea, in the Deep Palace. She is detecting no distrust from her fellow SeaWings, and continues to be a pleasant, background pearl huntress."

"Any new information on the SeaWing politics and army?" Morrowseer asked.

"Yes. In fact, I have acquired insight to the SeaWings' plans in the war, which I will tell you about in a moment," Silverstripe said. "As far as politics, Queen Coral continues to be a well respected, well loved and successful queen; I have not heard much about her husband, King Gill yet; oh, and the SeaWings are very interesting in regards to Princess Blister."

"How so?" Morrowseer asked.

"They call her Queen Blister, and Blister calls Queen Coral simply 'Coral'," Silverstripe explained.

"Interesting," Morrowseer said, tapping his chin in thought.

"Now to the army: I secured a slate with the SeaWings' and Blister's current ideas as to the whereabouts of Princess Blaze," Silverstripe said, pulling out the slate and handing it to Morrowseer.

"Good," Morrowseer said. He then stroked a claw across the smooth surface, examining the edges before reading the writing on the slate. "Blister has made some good points," he said after a moment in thought.

"I examined their map room and sketched some of the interesting parts," Silverstripe said once Morrowseer was done examining the first slate. She handed him several thin slates one at a time as he read each one and tucked it in his hidden pouch.

"These are interesting," Morrowseer said as he tucked away the last sketch.
"And I have one more slate that I think will be very useful," Silverstripe said, handing Morrowseer Tempest's letter.

The scales over Morrowseer's eyes shot up as he read the letter. He read it over several times, occasionally giving Silverstripe a glance of surprise. "It's authentic," he said after a moment.

Silverstripe beamed.

"This," Morrowseer said, tapping the slate with a claw, "is very useful. The NightWings will need to investigate this summit."

Silverstripe nodded.

"You are to collect more information on the SeaWing politics, and as much more information on this plan as possible, though I suspect this is a secretive plan," Morrowseer decreed. "I will talk to the queen about this, and we'll send some... specialized dragons there to deal with the situation."

"What if I went there?" Silverstripe asked, feeling a little wound in her pride. "I'm specialized in spying. That's why I'm here."

"No," Morrowseer said firmly. "You are not trained in their line of work. They don't just spy, Silverstripe."

"Okay," Silverstripe said, pondering what these 'specialized' dragons could be specialized in. Could they be assassins? They were the only other specialists Silverstripe knew that studied in the art of stealth and observance. If so, what did Morrowseer plan on doing to 'deal' with this situation? Who was he going to kill? Could it be Queen Coral, or Blister, or Commander Tempest?

"This will be good for your second report," Morrowseer said. "You are dismissed."

Silverstripe watched as the large NightWing flew off into the horizon, then she dove off the stone dragon's snout into the sea, setting her course for the Summer Palace.

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