~Ch.20: Disaster~

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Silverstripe arrived at Report Island a few minutes before Morrowseer.

"Greetings, Morrowseer," Silverstripe said as the massive NightWing landed in front of her.

"Greetings, Silverstripe," Morrowseer said sullenly. "Report."

"Abyss' identity is secure, trust from her peers remains unwavering, and Queen Coral's two daughters are expected to hatch today," Silverstripe said. "Outside of the Kingdom of the Sea, the SkyWings are trying to destroy the SeaWing base in their kingdom. Queen Scarlet is ordering dragonflame cactus bombs upon the base. Casualties are high on both sides. The SeaWings are considering abandoning the base, though Commander Tempest plans on holding it for at least a couple more months to retain morale. That's it for now."

Morrowseer nodded. "That is sufficient for now."

Silverstripe nodded.

"You are dismissed," Morrowseer said, then he vaulted into the sky. Silverstripe watched him fly into the sunrise as he veered southeast, disappearing over the horizon.

Silverstripe dove off the snout of the stone dragon, narrowly missing a flock of birds as she landed in the ocean. She quickly found the current to the Deep Palace, and swam through it, careful to avoid passing dragons on the way.

When Silverstripe entered the Deep Palace, things were much harder than in open water. SeaWings bustled about the throneroom, including Queen Coral, who was swimming back and forth between halls, flashing at servants, and overall looking elated.

Silverstripe carefully entered a crowd of servants as they neared her and followed them until they neared the hall to the Royal Hatchery. When she was close enough to the hall, she darted down the dark corridor.

As Silverstripe entered the Royal Hatchery, she found Turquoise sitting, his head bowed mournfully.
Silverstripe swam over to him, and gently touched his wing to ask what was wrong.

We failed, Silverstripe, Turquoise flashed, and he moved away to reveal the eggs. Both looked as though they had been stomped on, and the dragonets' heads hung back in a manner that suggested that their necks had been broken.

Silverstripe covered her snout in horror. "How did this happen?" she mouthed.

It was my fault, Turquoise flashed. I left the hatchery to find Bonefish and one of my friends because I was getting tired and I didn't want to pass out and leave the eggs vulnerable. I only left the hall for a second, and when I had come back, the assassin's work was already done.

Silverstripe hugged Turquoise. "What do we do?" she mouthed.

The Queen will be here in a little bit to execute us, Turquoise flashed grimly. I need you to go.

"What?" Silverstripe mouthed.

I'll stay and hold the Queen here so you can escape, Turquoise flashed. I want you to go back to the Talons of Peace settlement and complete your mission. You have to live, Silverstripe.

Silverstripe shook her head. But I don't want to leave you, she thought.

You need to go! Turquoise flashed urgently.

Silverstripe shook her head, her throat tightening with invisible tears.

Turquoise clutched her talons. It's either you or me who gets out of here, he flashed, looking directly into her eyes. And it's going to be you. You have a family back at the settlement that you need to protect, and you mean too much to me.

Silverstripe shook her head again in desperate refusal.

I love you, Silverstripe, Turquoise flashed.

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