~Ch.15: No One Can Know~

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Over time things calmed down inside the Royal Hatchery. Silverstripe had come to realize that being a guard was really quite boring, and the only entertainment she had was talking to Turquoise and on the occasion that she left the hatchery to eat.

It had been a few days, and Silverstripe had finally thought of a way to deliver her report to Morrowseer. It would be tricky, but possible.

Turquoise swam into the hatchery, returning from his break.

Silverstripe waved at him with a smile.

Hi, Abyss, Turquoise flashed, smiling as well. Do you need to go on break, or do you want to stay longer?

I'm headed on break, Silverstripe wrote on one of her slates before showing it to Turquoise.

Okay, Turquoise flashed.

Silverstripe hugged him for a minute before she swam out of the hatchery.

Silverstripe felt somewhat guilty for not telling him what she was really doing.

It won't hurt him. He'll never know it happened. I'll just give my report, grab a quick snack, and then come back.

Silverstripe swam up through the palace corridors up into the throneroom.

Hey, Abyss! Emerald flashed as she swam out of the hall that led to her quarters.

Silverstripe smiled and waved at the dragonet.

Are you on break? Emerald asked.

Silverstripe nodded.

It's so nice to see you again! Emerald flashed. Have you told him yet?

Silverstripe shook her head.

Oh come on, Abyss! You have plenty of chances now, Emerald flashed. You're alone with him most of the time now, no one to disturb you, in the dark together...

Silverstripe blushed heavily.

I'm not implying... You can at least kiss him, though! Or use your slates to write it out, Emerald flashed.

A few dragons began eying them with curiosity.

Do you want to go talk at the surface? I already collected my quota this morning, so I'm on break right now, Emerald flashed.

Silverstripe shook her head sadly. She pointed to the surface to say that she had to go somewhere.

Okay... I understand, Emerald flashed, disappointed. Can we hang out some other time soon?

Silverstripe nodded and hugged her.

See you soon, then, Abyss! Emerald flashed as Silverstripe swam out of the palace.

Silverstripe looked up intently at the light of the sun as she swam towards the surface. As she leaped out of the water, it felt odd but nice to be using her lungs again.

Silverstripe flew towards the island, having a near heart attack as she saw Morrowseer already approaching the island as well. She sped up, able to land before Morrowseer caught sight her.

"Greetings, Morrowseer," Silverstripe said, having difficulty keeping her breath steady.

"Greetings, Silverstripe," Morrowseer said sullenly. "Report."

Silverstripe hesitated.

"I said, report."

"I have learned new things about politics in the Kingdom of the Sea," Silverstripe said, anxiety escaping into her voice. "There is an assassin killing all of Queen Coral's eggs. She has lost four daughters thusfar."

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