~Ch.17: Healing~

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Another few days had passed. Silverstripe kept catching Turquoise looking at her, but only when she appeared to be facing away. The tension that was in the hatchery had softened a little, though Silverstripe was becoming impatient waiting for something to change.

Today, her waiting finally paid off.

Silverstripe and Turquoise were brooding, as per usual, when a pea green SeaWing entered the hatchery.

Greetings, King Gill, Turquoise flashed. He and Silverstripe bowed as the SeaWing swam into the room.

No need to bow. I'm not the queen, King Gill flashed with a smile, beckoning for them to rise back to their feet.

What brings you here? Turquoise asked.

Oh, I just wanted to stop by for a visit, King Gill replied.

The female eggs are over here, Turquoise flashed, gesturing to the small clutch next to the Orca Statue.

King Gill swam over to the eggs and stroked them softly.

The eggs are doing well so far, Turquoise flashed. The two princesses are due to hatch in a little more than two weeks. There are two princes that are also due, but I think they'll be a week earlier than the princesses.

King Gill nodded, looking at the two male eggs that Turquoise was referring to in the far corner of the hatchery.

Do you two have many siblings? King Gill asked, looking at the two hatchery guards now.

Silverstripe and Turquoise shook their heads. I'm an only-dragonet, Turquoise flashed.

Silverstripe nodded to say that she was as well.

Okay, King Gill flashed. He then paused before flashing, I worry about my sons sometimes. Coral doesn't care about them, but I try to get to know each one. I don't even know how many we have, and I can't remember their names. I just wonder what that must be like for a dragonet...

Silverstripe and Turquoise nodded.

Well, thank you... Thank you for everything that you're doing. You're keeping my dragonets safe, and I like you two. I just see something different -- not just silver stripes. I see good things, and I trust you to protect Coral and my dragonets to the best of your ability, King Gill flashed. Now, enough "magic words", as Coral calls them. I'm going to go visit my sons... see if I get to know them any better. Can I visit here again later?

Of course, Turquoise flashed. You're the king, and their father. You don't need permission to visit them; just stop by whenever you want.

I feel like it's good to value other dragons' wills, King Gill flashed. Thank you. See you soon!

Silverstripe and Turquoise watched as the pea green SeaWing swam out of the hatchery.

Silverstripe looked at Turquoise in awe, and for the first time since before the report Turquoise looked into her eyes. Silverstripe had been waiting for Turquoise to reveal her identity to the king; this would have been the perfect opportunity to, but he didn't.

Turquoise ended the moment by looking away.

Silverstripe swam back to the far corner of the hatchery, where she usually slept, and sat down, facing the wall. She felt her throat tighten up in sadness and closed her eyes against a few tears.

A few minutes later, Silverstripe felt a claw touch her wing. She turned around with surprise to see Turquoise sitting in front of her, looking at her with remorse.

Can we talk? Turquoise flashed.

Silverstripe nodded and hastily pulled out her slate, hope rising in her heart.

Turquoise went quiet in thought before flashing I'm sorry I haven't said anything to you. I just... I don't know how to think, feel... My mind is so torn...

I'm sorry I lied to you, Silverstripe wrote. I wish I hadn't. I somewhat wish I had never gone on this mission... I would have never hurt you... You would have never found out about me... I wouldn't have had to lie to you...

I don't wish that, Turquoise flashed. If you had never gone, then I would have never met you.

You said it yourself, though. I was never Abyss. I was always hiding myself. I've always been just Silverstripe, the failing spy, the useless hybrid, the dragon who has made too many mistakes. Silverstripe wrote.

You're a hybrid? Turquoise asked.

Yes, Silverstripe wrote. My father is a NightWing and my mother is a SeaWing... My father, Defender, was secretly in love with my mother, Cove. When I hatched, they were discovered by Morrowseer -- the NightWing whom I give my reports to -- and he wanted them to kill me. Instead, they offered to raise me as a spy, a specialty of NightWings, and I was trained by my NightWing aunt.

Abyss -- Silverstripe, I mean -- it doesn't matter what your name is; it doesn't matter if you're half NightWing; it doesn't matter that you're a spy; I do know you, and you're the best friend I have ever had, Turquoise flashed, clutching Silverstripe's talons. I'm sorry I wondered if I didn't. I'm sorry I was angry, I just didn't know how to react. I'm sorry for everything I said. I forgive you for lying to me.

I forgive you too, Silverstripe wrote. She set down the slate and hugged him close.

Turquoise was surprised at first, but quickly sank into the embrace. They sat there for a little while, wrapped in each other's wings. The world disappeared, and all the tension that had been there before was replaced with joy.

Do you want me to make the first night watch? Turquoise asked after they had parted.

Silverstripe shook her head and gestured to herself to say I'll do it.

Okay, Turquoise flashed, and he curled up a taillength away to sleep.

After Silverstripe knew for sure that he was sound asleep, she mouthed "I love you, Turquoise."

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