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A little less than a month later, some things had changed for Silverstripe and her family.

She was still living with her parents, but she planned on getting her own place once the Talons moved the settlement further south in a few months. Emerald still shared a room with her, but she planned on getting Chalcedony to join the Talons of Peace in a couple months and Silverstripe suspected the dragonet might move out and either move in with her mother or move into her own place.

Silverstripe had been sensing a hint of independence and maturity in the dragonet, and she had even seen her hanging out with a young SandWing about her age by the name of Sidewinder. From what Emerald had told her, the two of them were clearly pursuing a romance. It reminded Silverstripe somewhat sadly of when Emerald was acting as wing-girl for her and Turquoise, though Silverstripe was very happy for the green dragonet and her potential boyfriend. Of course, Silverstripe still treated her like a sister and raced with her every now and then in the roaring currents of the eastern coast of Pyrhhia; no maturity or romance would change that.

Silverstripe herself had gone through some slight changes; she now regularly went on small spying missions, collecting data from camps and troops. It was a precarious business, but a successful one, and one that gave her a purpose and way to help the Talons of Peace.

Silverstripe would never forget the first mission of her career, the long-term undercover mission to the heart of the Kingdom of the Sea, and she would of course never forget Turquoise, the love of her life who most likely perished at the talons of vengeful Queen Coral. Silverstripe tried to not imagine what must've happened to him when the queen discovered that he and Silverstripe had failed to keep her eggs safe, but ever so often she would have nightmares about the event in which she left the Kingdom of the Sea, and what might've happened after she left.

Silverstripe had taken off her pearl earring to conceal her previous usage of the Abyss identity, but couldn't bring herself to take off the abilone earrings that Turquoise had given her on their date to Pearl Falls. They reminded her of the good times that she had had with Turquoise, and despite her sadness, Silverstripe was quite grateful to still have that part of Turquoise with her.

Silverstripe was strolling along the same beach that her father had run across a little more than eight years earlier the night she had hatched. The sky was a clear blue apart from some wisps of clouds close to the horizon. A soft breeze ruffled her fins, and sea water lapped at her talons as she walked, her dark tail trailing behind her in long curves similar to snake trails.

Silverstripe looked up and saw Emerald wave at her as she flew with a dusty-looking young SandWing -- Sidewinder.

Silverstripe waved back and continued her stroll in peaceful silence.

It hadn't been but a few minutes since Emerald flew away with Sidewinder when a green SeaWing missing a hind foot landed in front of Silverstripe. "Hello. Are you Silverstripe, the Talons of Peace spy?"

"Why yes. Why do you ask?" Silverstripe asked. Was she famous now? She had gotten some prestige from her job as a spy.and met some dragons who admired her work, but nothing had suggested in her mind that she could be a celebrity.

"Thank you! Bye!" The green SeaWing took flight and disappeared over the cliff.

Silverstripe tipped her head in confusion, then shrugged and continued her stroll.

Suddenly, she heard a loud thump behind her, and felt a claw lightly tap her tail. Silverstripe whirled around in surprise, then felt as though her heart would explode.

Turquoise was in front of her, looking at her in awe.

Silverstripe pressed her talons to her snout, shaking her head in disbelief.

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