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After a long day of shooting, I returned back to my hotel and took a long hot shower. Elle. Elle. Flipping through the channels I really didn't care what was on. I was busy watching the crescent moon play hide and seek behind the heavy clouds. Elle. I had this eerie feeling. I couldn't describe it. I just felt weird. I walked around throughout this room and the voice got stronger and stronger. I walked back through to the kitchen and back to my bed. Suddenly my eyes were heavy and I could see the sea of blood. My body ached all over and I felt like I was floating. Elle. Elle. Elle. Elle. This voice called my name over and over and over. My heart thumped hard against my rib cage and I shot straight up. Sweat poured from my body. It was now 12 and there was a knock at my door. I lay back down and my heart thumped again. Elle. Slowly sitting up and rising to my feet, I walked slowly to the door wiping my head. Once he walked in, that pain subsided quickly. "How was the show?" He smiled and unbuttoned his shirt setting it down on the cushioned chair. "Great. How was the shoot?" I sat back on the bed and sighed deeply. "It was great. We shot downtown. It was a lot of fun." He smiled and layed back on the bed. We both watched the heavy clouds crack open and watched as rain poured down. He crawled over to me and placed a kiss on my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Maybe we should stop before the phone comes off the hook again." He nodded his head but continued to kiss me. "Well if that happens, let it ring." We continued kissing and it felt like a dream. "What are you doing tomorrow?" I looked at him and smiled. "I have another shoot. Why?" He smirked and kissed me more. "Cause I want us to spend the day together." I smiled and pulled him back for more.
I woke up and she was watching TV. She turned to look at me and kissed me on the cheek. "Well good morning." She smiled and handed me breakfast. As I ate, she was getting dressed, standing in the mirror and primping her curly hair. "And where are you goin'?" She smirked and grabbed her heels sliding them on her feet. "Christina wanted to me early and shoot early. She has to go back home due to personal reasons." I pulled her closer to me and kissed her cheek which caused her to blush.

It was getting later in the day and she was still doing shoots. It was 8 PM when she walked through the door kicking off her black heels. "I know you wanted to spend the day together but the shoot ran longer than expected. There was a robbery that took place right next to where we were." She was untouched so that put my mind at ease. "We got all of tonight and tomorrow and then, you have to go back home." She pouted and I smiled. She sat down on the bed and without hesitation I tackled her down and kissed her.
We were out all night and all the next day just having fun. My flight was at 7 and it was now 5. We walked on the beach. I looked out at the water it the color changed. What the hell? I looked away. Then I looked again and realized, I was in a daze. The water was now bloody and my body felt limp. I watched as the bloody waters crash into each other. I stood there watching those waves, listening to them crash into each other. It sounded like such a haunting song. "Uh, Elle. Elle." I felt the touch of his hand and suddenly, regained my balance. "What did you see?" Not wanting to talk about it, I shook my head as we continued our walk. "Ya sure?" I gave him a smile to show him everything was alright. I didn't want our last hours to be taken up by me telling him what I saw. Quite frankly, he wouldn't believed me no way so what's the point.

It was now time for my flight back home. I grabbed my bags and we started for the airport. "Stop poutin' now. I'm comin' to see you soon." He hugged me and watched as I boarded the plane.
"What do you want?" Soon as I got back, my phone would not stop ringing. "I miss you." Rolling my eyes I grabbed my keys and got in my ride. She would not stop calling and she even called Dre. "Wassup man, ready to do the show? She called." I couldn't catch a break from her. If she couldn't get to me, she was calling somebody I know. "Boss, Vanity is here." I shook my head and walked onstage. After thr show, we did an after show til 3 in the morning. Returning backstage with sweat pouring from my head, Chick came up to me again. "Boss, she's still here." Cursing to myself I walked into my dressing room. "Brotha she's determined to see you. She won't leave." I got dressed and walked right out to my limo. I got home at 5 AM and had rehearsals at 7.
I got the role in a movie so I stayed out in LA for a period of time and I even met Pam Grier eating at a restaurant. I almost exploded on the inside when she told her security she wanted to speak to me. "Hello, I'm Pam Grier. I love your issues in the magazines. You're Elle right?" I nodded and she smiled. "We're in the same movie." I got the script but they were still looking for other actors for other roles. Never in my dreams did I think I would be starring in a movie with Pam Grier. Pam Grier! We talked for a while until we parted ways and I went back to my hotel.

"Ya man called. He asked if you were here and I told him you were in LA." I smiled, thinking about our steamy makeout session. "He really got a thing for ya." I smirked, twirling the phone cord around my index finger. "I miss ya wanch." I laughed sitting down on my bed with a bowl of fruit. "I miss ya too heffa." We hung up. All I could think about was him. Truthfully, I missed him. I just wanted to be next to him. His birthday is coming up and I really wanna see him. I want him here with me.
June 1st, 1980 after playing at the Capri Theater I made my way backstage to prepare for my flight to New York. I grabbed my towel wiping my body and face and felt this presence next to me. Whoever this person was out their hand on my shoulder. Removing my towel, Vanity's face appeared. "How you get back here?" She ignored my question and paced back and forth. Somebody gettin' fired for this! "I called you. Actually, I called you a lot and what do I get in return? Nothing. Oh but I do get those dial tones. I hate them." Rolling my eyes to the ceiling I wanted nothing more than for her to leave. "What do you want Vanity?" She folded her arms and looked dead at me. "Its been 5 months Prince! 5 months and you ain't called me." I sat down in my chair and began humming to drown her out. She walked over to me placing her hands on my chest. "Baby I miss you." Removing her hands I walked over to the door. "Leave." She shook her head as she sat down on the couch making herself comfortable. "Vanity leave!" I walked over to her grabbing her arm, not hard, and walking towards the door. "Get out!" She began screaming and hitting me in the chest with her fist. "No! I'm not going! I miss you! I want you!" She managed to grabbed the door and slam it shut. I pushed her back as she continued hitting my chest. "I'm not leaving! I want you!" Picking her up I tried to stop her from hitting me anymore. She continued to kick and scream while I held her arms down. She did all she could to pinch me in the sides to let her go. Backing her into the wall and falling back in my chair, our lips locked and tears rolled down her face. Before I knew it, her shirt was off her body and her hands roamed my chest. We kissed for what felt like the longest time in the world. She unzipped my pants as I undid her pants. "I need you." Before going any further I stopped myself.

Buttoning myself I stood away from her. "You need to go." She walked away without hesitation and something told me she would be back.

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