Utter Despair

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"Hey man. Somebody's better." I nodded to Dre as we headed backstage into the dressing room. I was feeling better about Elle's pregnancy. It was like this dark cloud removed itself from my presence and I was back to normal. I made it my mission that once I made it back home I was gonna wrap her in my arms and tell her I'm sorry.

After one of our concerts, I headed backstage but I wasn't feeling my best at all but I pushed through it. My breathing was heavy and my chest hurt. I had been trying to call Elle all day and she wouldn't pick up. I got through to Chick earlier today and she's doing fine but she never answered when I tried calling. Returning back to the hotel I took a Tylenol and went to sleep.
Elle! Elle! Elle! Call Elle!!! Waking up gasping for air I looked at my chest and it was red like I had been hit with something and slightly swollen. Ignoring those negative voices in my head, I turned over trying to go back to sleep.
Elle!! Call Elle!
Groaning from the sharp pain in my chest and now fully swollen, I shot straight up and called home. "Chick, why isn't Elle answering the phone?" He went to check as I waited.
I woke up for the 3rd time throwing up and feeling very weak. I slowly walked back to bed and couldn't find rest. Waking up again I rushed to the bathroom and that's when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I dropped to the floor in pain. I couldn't get up and I sat there. Before I knew it there was blood. Tears rolled down my face as I tried to get up. Suddenly the door swung open and Chick gasped with the phone to his ear. "There's blood. Boss I have to call you when we get to the nearest hospital." He dropped the phone and helped me downstairs. It hurt to move and every step there was blood. Tears clouded my vision as he carefully helped me to the car and I just moaned from the pain. Arriving at the hospital I saw the look on the doctor's face and felt like the walls around me were crumbling down. They got me into a room and I didn't wanna go through this alone. I felt scared mostly. I needed someone to be here with me.
I had called my mother and told her which hospital. I was already on my way by plane but I needed someone to get to her to be with her. I called her sister as well too. The plane landed about 1:30 ish and there was no time to waist. Arriving at Minnetonka Medical Center my heart just sank. I felt so defeated. Just when I was feeling happy about it, it all came crumbling down. Walking into the lobby they gave me the floor and room number and I made my way up the elevator.

The doctor came in and checked my heart rate. "I'm sorry to inform you that you had a miscarriage." After those words my hearing left me and I was stunned. Hearing that you lost your child takes a piece of you away with it. Everything was so fine and it went to shit so fast and I didn't know why. Trying my hardest not to scream I managed to look at him. "Did I do somebody wrong? What happened? What did I do?! What did I do?!" He shook his head at me and put my chart down. "Ma'am, it was nothing you did. You didn't do anything wrong. A lot of women have a normal pregnancy and then they loose the baby. I'm so sorry. Try and get some rest." He stepped out and I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs but I was too weak. My heart sank and tears rolled down my face.

He said he would keep me here over night because some miscarriage continue on through the next day. The next morning he checked my blood pressure and heart. I had stopped bleeding so much and it was over. "Your check out is at 5 and here is something from the hospital staff." He handed me a white pillow with rainbows on it with a message.
I carried you every moment of your life
And I will love you for the rest of mine.
Mommy's angel fly high.

"Your family is here. Shall I send them in?" Slowly nodding my head he turned and walked out. I turned over and covered my head and regretted seeing them. This is not how its supposed to happen. My baby is supposedly to be here with me. I covered my head and wrapped my arms around the pillow. I heard the door open but I didn't move. All I heard was footsteps coming closer and closer. The covers moved slowly and there stood my sister, Prince, his mother, Chick, and Tyka. Aubrey placed a kiss on my head and carefully placed her arms around me for a hug. Prince tried grabbing my hand and I pulled away. The nurse came in with food but I don't want it
My heart hurts. I just lost my baby. I wanted that kid. I wanted to be a parent and then when things are going so right, there's a shift in gears. Watching her just lay there cuddled up with that pillow and staring at the wall made it even worse for me. Stepping out of the room and into the hallway I felt my eyes burn. My mother was right behind me trying to comfort me. Just as much as she was inconsolable, so was I. She grabbed my balled up hands putting them around her and hugging me. I felt cheated. I was cheated out of something so beautiful in this life and I know I can't get back no matter how hard I ask God for it. My baby is not coming back. Before her doctor walked back in I stopped him. "What was it?" This sad look played across his face as he stood there. "There was already a huge amount of blood loss. I'm sorry we cannot tell." After 30 minutes I walked back in and to watch her in the same position until 5 o'clock, ate away at me.

By the time 5 rolled around it was time for her to check out and she's so weak. Once I carefully helped her to the car, and it was silent. Giving the driver careful directions not to go too fast and to watch for bumps, everyone was silent. She wouldn't look at either one of us. Her arms were still wrapped around that pillow as we made our way back home.

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