Balboa Theatre

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The movie was really good and I heard nothing but great reviews. After the after party, she returned to the hotel room kicking off her heels. Once she noticed all the rose petals, a smile appeared on her face. "I loved the movie. You were great." I grabbed her by the waist and sat her in my lap as her curly hair blocked the view of her lovely face. "Ya know, this dress is doing something to me." Placing a kiss on her shoulder we layed back on the bed as the moonlight shown on our naked bodies.

Waking up the next morning her eyes met mine. She had been up for a while just watching me. "How long were you up?" She smirked placing a tender kiss on my cheek. "Since around 2." Laughing to myself I grabbed her playing in her hair. "We can go for round 3 if you want?" Kissing my nose she shook her head. "If we get started again we're gonna miss our flight and you have a show at 11. Let's go." Grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed, we got dressed and on our way to the airport. Once we arrived back home I went to rehearse as she made her way to my mother's house. After rehearsals I made my way home only to find that she wasn't there. I walked into the kitchen and then our room and all over the house. Not one sound of her. Walking up to the studio I heard the front door and the clicking of heels. Walking down the steps she stood there with a warm smile on her face. "Hey you. Where ya been?" Hugging me tightly she placed a kiss on my lips as we sat down. "I was at your mother's. Her chocolate chip cookies are real good. What have you been up to? How was rehearsal?" Walking into the kitchen I fixed us some fresh strawberries and placed a bowl in front of her. "It was good. I missed you all day." I could tell she was holding back laughter which made me really confused. "Aww Skipper, I missed you too." Whipping my head in her direction her face turned red from laughter. "What have you and my mother been talking about and don't call me Skipper." She laughed even harder causing her cheeks to turn bright red and her curls to bounce.

"Mama? Elle." She was lying there in bed not saying a word. Curls covering her face, body soaking wet. Walking over to her and sitting down her brown eyes stared back at me. Her face and nose red. "Its cold." She was sick with a fever of 104. Sitting her in my lap, her head fell on my shoulder and her eyes were heavy. She's not used to this kind of weather. Down south it's cold but not dead cold like it is here. Her body was weak and she couldn't keep her eyes open for too long. After I had given her cough medicine it didn't work and her cough had gotten worse and her nose ran like a faucet. She's been in bed for the past 2 weeks.

"Child please sit down somewhere. You're sick and tryna fly back to Paris tomorrow. You need to take a chill pill. You don't look to hot honey." Snapping my curly head in her direction, I scoffed as I flipped my hair. "Excuse you ma'am but I look good." Pushing her black shoulder length hair back behind her ear she rolled her eyes, waving me off. "Yeah but that cough and stuffy nose ain't. Ya know its true so stop looking at me like that. Girl guess who gave me a lil surprise visit?" The look on her face told me all I needed to know. Laughing she looked at me with very serious eyes. "Its the way that he showed up that's trippin' me out. I open my door to go to work and he's just standing there looking like he wants to kill me. He didn't say a word at first he just looked at me. Then he stopped me from leaving." Coughing into my arm, her front door opened and in walked Kari. "After I went to work I called Kari about it. It just had me shaken up." He walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "Aww look at that little red nose." Moving his hand from my face he sat down with a cup of hot chocolate.
Watching Morris flirt with some girl outside of the studio, I pulled him back in so we could talk about him fronting a band. "Damn man that's the 5th one today." He shoved Jerome into the studio as he sat down in a chair next to me. After talking it up with him we layed down some vocals for a new song. "Vanity showed up at one of our rehearsals two weeks ago asking about you." Spinning my chair in his direction the only look that appeared on my face was the look of annoyance. "That was her second time. Man she don't look like she's giving in at all."

Returning home from Kari's birthday party, I made it back to Minnesota. As I took a nice warm bubble bath, my mind drifted off into a daze. "Baby!" Watching as Prince caressed my hand I was focused again. "You didn't hear me calling you?" Shaking my head I let out a long sigh. "Get out of that tub before you turn into a prune." I laughed as he grabbed the towel to wrap around my body. He scooped me up and placed me on the bed. "You have some pretty eyes." His smile widened once I grabbed his face and placed a kiss on his face.
I chuckled feeling the scratches she placed on my back and looked at her naked, sweaty body next to mine. I covered her up and went downstairs to the studio. After I finished two songs I poured myself a drink and sat down on the couch to watch TV. While she was gone away for a photo session, I was in the studio with Vanity so she could lay down her part to Nasty Girl. As if being in the same space as her wasn't bad enough, she sat down right beside me. "You haven't looked at me this whole time I've been here." Cutting to the chase I sat down my guitar with frustrated. "This is just business.." She let out a deep laugh and took a pull of her cigarette. "It wasn't business the last time now, was it? Did you let Susan know that it's just 'business'? Is that why we can't pursue this relationship because of Susan?" Grabbing her arm and walking her to the door, she pulled away from me and laughed once more. "Ya know, you turn me on when your mad." Trying my hardest to push her out the door she would not let me go. One thing led to another and here we are, sleeping together, again.

"I love when we make up." Removing her hand from my body she shook her head. "Ain't no use fighting me baby. And there ain't no use of ignoring me because you know you can't. I forgive you for Susan, that's in the past. See ya tomorrow." She kissed my cheek and left before words left my lips.

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