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Walking into the house and straight to my room. Closing the door I layed there in bed and cried. Aubrey came in to try and comfort me but it didn't do any good. Eventually I fell asleep and my body felt loose, like I was floating. There was the ocean of blood again and a hand trying to guide me toward it. The smell of blood enticed my senses. I could hear the waves crashing into each other wildly. The wind howled like a crazed wolf ready to feast and I could almost taste the blood.

Come to me. This is for you. Come now. This is who you are. Elle........
Shooting straight up in my bed as sweat dripped from my brow and down to my nose. Catching my breath and snatching the covers away from my body, I sat there still feeling loopy from my dream. December 1st, Tuesday, Kari came for a visit to see how everything was going. "This nice. I dig it." We all sat down talking about everything suddenly got quiet. "I'm getting married. I proposed to her this morning." I was so happy for them and he seems very happy and excited. "So Elle, wassup with you?" My heart jumped and raced not knowing where this was beating rapidly. I played it cold and told him about my showcase and said everything was cool. "So you gotta boyfriend yet?" Him asking me that question made me suspicious. Did she tell him about Prince? Why would he ask me that? What's gonna happen next? "I'm asking because when you do, I wanna meet him, see what partna's about." Exchanging looks with my sister I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.
December 8th, pulling into her driveway I was mentally preparing myself for what was about to happen. Knocking on the door I waited and her sister opened the door and looked me up and down. "Hey." She nodded as we stood there awkwardly. "Can I come in?" She played with her nails and thought about it. I stood out there, hands shaking from being so cold and looked at her. She nodded as I walked inside hanging up my coat. "Long time no see stranger." Oh boy. "You come here to tell her that it's over?" Shaking my head, I downed the wine she gave me and set the glass on the counter. She grabbed my glass and laughed to herself. "Nervous are we?" Folding my arms I just looked at her. I knew she was mad too. "Is she here?" She folded her arms and propped herself against the counter. "Maybe, maybe not." Rolling my eyes I stood up and began making my way, slowly to her room.
Wrapping my beige towel around my wet curly hair I walked out and sat at my vanity. There was a knock at the door but my hands were still wet so I decided not to answer plus, I didn't feel like being bothered either. Picking up the towel that slipped from my shoulder to the floor I reached over picking it up and you know who sat right beside me. I continued on with my hair as he tried to reach for me. "Baby." Drying my hair with my towel I just really can't believe he was here, let alone trying to touch me. "Elle. Baby look at me." Moving his hand away I continued on. He grabbed my brush and grabbed my hand. "Baby look at me, please." I grabbed my comb and combed through my hair. "Elle, baby talk to me." Rolling my eyes I sighed because I knew he wasn't gonna give in. "How do you think I feel? It's been two months Prince. Two. You never said anything to me after my birthday. That's all you wanted, huh?" He shook his head while I sat there with my arms folded. "If that's all you wanted to do was get me into bed well I gotta tell ya, you succeeded." Walking away from him and over to my bed, he grabbed me and sat me in his lap. "Baby that was not my plan. Why do you think I'm here?" I shrugged moving his hand away from mine. "Probably to say 'oh I can't do this anymore.'" He sighed, holding me tighter. "I didn't come to tell you that. Baby I've been busy." Now I was irritated. Busy my ass. "You been busy, huh? So busy that you didn't call me. You stayed away from me for two months but you were busy right? You never thought about how I felt. How do you think that made me feel? You take my virginity and then you don't call me or say nothing to me but you busy." Leaving his embrace I sat back in my bed feeling tears threaten to leave my eyes. He crawled over to me wiping the tears that fell from my eyes. "Listen to me, I'm sorry. I should've called but I had shows and meetings on top of rehearsals. I put an album out in October. I had to do signings and press. Baby I wasn't purposely ignoring you. I just had so much to do but baby I'm sorry I was gone for so long baby I am. Stop crying mama." I moved his hands and wiped my face. With my arms still folded he kissed me and pulled me in for a hug. "I'm sorry baby. Forgive me?" He squeezed me tighter and tighter. "Can't...breathe." His grip got tighter and my face began to turn red. "You forgive me and I'll let you go." Squirming and pinching I finally gave in. He let me go long enough to catch my breath and pulled me in for a kiss. "I don't want no kiss." He looked at me with a shy smirk and tackled me down until I kissed him.

She was upset and I knew that. My intentions wasn't to just hit it and quit it. I had a lot of work but yes I should've called but time got the best of me. I tried making her smile but I think for right now she just needs to process everything. As we sat there, not saying a word but watching TV, she was still upset about it but she wanted to be close to me. Placing a kiss on her soft hand I pulled her beside me as we drifted off to sleep in each other's arms. She woke up the next morning and looked around and then at me. Her hair was still damp and I could tell it would be a couple of days before its completely dry. She had a photo session and would be gone for most of the day so I just decided to ride around until she got home. I walked around taking in the scenery and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Toussaint walking my direction. "You've found her. Mwen te di ou. Ou gade pi byen. Mwen wè ou te pran konsèy mwen." I didn't understand what she said but the more she was around me, the more I was uncomfortable. She gave me a wink and walked away until she disappeared into the distance. After driving around my senses picked up that she was now home. Parking my car I knocked on the door and went inside. "Hey." I walked over to her placing a kiss on her warm cheek before we sat down on the couch. I picked up a magazine, flipping through the pages until I saw her. "Baby these are good. I like this one." After talking about her November showcase, we went ice skating. We went skating down by the Black Bayou Lake and it was the perfect setting.
We grabbed our skates and headed down to Black Bayou Lake.

It was beautiful yet, scary scene

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It was beautiful yet, scary scene. We skated around each other and then I noticed his eyes. They appeared to be shining. Shining! Things started to fade and I knew it was a transe. All I heard was his breathing and sound of his heart. Elle.. Elle...... Coming to my senses, he stood before me wearing a smile. His eyes had this strong hold of me. He grabbed my hand guiding me as we skated figure 8's on the ice. Returning home we took the skates off and cozied up in bed together. After me fixing us dinner and getting our showers, I crawled next him to keep warm. He held me closer and rubbed my shoulders. Placing several kisses down my neck, my shirt was now off.
Biting down on his shoulder was one way for me not to be so loud so we wouldn't disturb Aubrey. Arms wrapped around each other as he stroked and caressed me. His tongue doing flips in my mouth. Talk about driving me wild
"Baby how do you know what I'm about to say before I even say a word?" Smiling to myself I looked down at those brown eyes that stared back at me so puzzling. "I just know." Resting her head on my shoulder, she drifted right on to sleep.

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