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He didn't say a word but he looked at me strangely. I wanted him to say something and he wouldn't. He stood there with this sort of mad expression on his face. He folded his arms as we looked at each other. I was happy about it but I know on the outside it didn't look like it. I was in such pain. Even sitting up hurt. "You gonna say something?" Her rolled his eyes and huffed. He looked as if he was trying to keep his composure. "What do you want me to say? I'm happy about it?" I shrugged. That wasn't the response I expected really. I was left with nothing to say and I couldn't believe it. He was not happy at all. Not in the least bit. "Am I happy? Am I happy?!! This is some shit....." His words trailed off down the halls as he returned back to the little small get together downstairs. I didn't know what to say but I know I felt hurt. He didn't say goodbye when he left and after our talk, he didn't say a word to me. The next day I decided to get out of the house and go to Aubrey's. "So what did they say?" We walked outside to her patio and sat down with a refreshing cold pitcher of lemonade. "Well I'm waiting." I sat my glass down on the table. "I'm 3 months pregnant." Her mouth dropped opened as she ran over to give me a hug. "Why are you crying? Aren't you happy? I know I am! You're gonna be a young mother." Wiping my face I just didn't wanna talk about it anymore. "What did he say?" His words replayed in my mind. "He wasn't happy at all. After that he didn't say anything else to me the rest of the night." She picked up her glass and took a sip. "He's not happy about it? Well what in the hell." She grabbed my hands and looked at me. "How do you feel?" I felt better because I now know what it is and ever since yesterday, the pain is gone. "Much better actually. My feelings are hurt but better. No more belly pains and my appetite is back so good. I went to the doctor before yesterday and they said it was stress but yesterday made all the difference. I called Kari and told him."

Vanity walked backstage and into the dressing room. Right now I don't feel like talking to her or anybody else. Signaling Chick and without hesitation, he escorted her out. That wasn't the last I saw of her. She came to my hotel room at 3 AM banging on the door. "What's up with you?! Why are you ignoring me?! Who is she and don't tell me I'm wrong cause I just know. Gotta be something new because you've been acting real different lately." She walked over to me and stood in my face for answers and I don't feel like arguing with her right now. "So who's the bitch and where is she? Who the fuck is she? Is it Susan? You told me that you weren't with her anymore. Why are you lying? Damnit say something!" I removed her from my room and sat there alone in silence for the rest of the night.

The next morning I woke up I did not want to be in the house all day. After the chef made me breakfast before I could get out the door good, Aubrey was already there. "C'mon I want you to get out of the house. Lets go." I smiled as I grabbed my purse and got into her car. "We're shopping all day today girl. Put your worries to the side and let's ride." Shopping always eased my mind and being gone all day wasn't bad either. I needed this.

After shopping we returned back home to Aubrey's house. She did everything she could to ease my mind and it worked. I wasn't stressed at all and I truly thank her for that. "Why don't you stay the night?" I shook my head and grabbed my purse as I started for the door. "Girl I know you done had enough of me today. No, but thank you." She took a sip of her white wine and closed the door back. "Girl, you're being silly. Plus, he's not there anyway so just stay here and relax."

"Wassup brother. Your not yourself at all. What's going on? We've barely did after show gigs, what's up?" I strummed the guitar not answering him and not even making contact. "Man really, is it Vanity?" I shook my head and sat the guitar beside me. "Is it Elle?" Placing my head in my hands and letting out an exasperated sigh, I figured it was better to tell them now. They all know her and have been around her so they need to know but then again, I don't even wanna think about it. "Yeah it's her. On one hand I think I should say something to y'all but then again, I don't think I should. But I'm thinking I should since y'all are gonna be seeing a lot of her." He folded his arms trying to process everything but at the same time was ready to hear what I was about to say. "She's pregnant." He sat there very confused and I can understand. "Congratulations but shouldn't this be a good thing?" I shrugged feeling very defeated and very upset. "It should be right?" By now I saw the wheels were turning in his head. "Ok well what's the problem? You didn't want this in your life right now or is she too young? Is Vanity threatening her or what man?" Slowly turning to look at him and down at my hands. "Its not gonna last long at all. And I'm not saying that she's getting an abortion or I'm gonna do something but I just won't make it." We sat there for a moment just listening to the new song we layed down. "Why are you speaking so negatively about it? You don't know that for a fact? Your beating yourself up." I looked at him in utter defeat and annoyance, shaking my head. "Don't forget that I'm not all human now. Let's not forget it and I know." Before he stood to leave he gave me a pat on the back. "Trust me man, it'll all work itself out and you won't have anything to worry about."

I had been gone for most of June and once I returned home, I decided to decorate for the baby's room. "Chick Where's Elle?" He folded his arms and shrugged. "Some days she's here and sometimes, she's with her sister. For the most part she's been with her sister." I got out of the house and went to my mother's house. "What is it?" I didn't even mame it in the door good yet and she already picked up on my energy. We sat down and she waited for a response. "Elle's pregnant." She didn't have anything to say and looked at me for a moment. "I mean I'm happy for you but what's wrong?" Taking deep breaths I finally calmed down. "The baby's not gonna make it. Toussaint told me." She shook her head and sighed. "The baby just might surprise you. God knows I don't want anything to harm it but you're beating yourself up a lot about. I can tell because you look like you haven't slept for days and your mad. Trust me it'll be fine." Returning back home and she still wasn't there. I told Chick if Vanity showed up, to see to it that she's gone and that goes for anybody else acting crazy.
It has been nothing but awkward, silent tension in the house. He hasn't said a word to me at all but had the chef make all these healthy meals for me and make sure I have plenty of fruits and vegetables. Lately there's been a lot of construction going on but I didn't care to pay it any mind. As soon as I wake up in the morning I'm on the road all day so that takes a load off from being in the house with him and not saying a word. Most of the time Aubrey offered me to stay the nights with her but I know everyone needs their space, so I declined returning back home into office and far away from him.

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