Kiowa Trail

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We began packing while they were still outside talking. And after a while, they were out there for a long time. Returning back inside he walked over to me with this mischievous grin on his face. December 28th, Tuesday the next day, we packed and Aubrey put a for already had someone wanting to buy the house. January 1st was almost here and we're trying to move as fast as we can. Aubrey flew to Minnesota in search for a house and she found one. An hour from where I was gonna be living. Kari and our uncle came by to help us move and it all seems like a dream. Prince drove back down here to help get the rest of my things and I would be riding back with him. He offered to take Aubrey too but she had to fly back out to handle business with the house. She flew back right before we left headed up north. "So where do ya live?" He smiled and grabbed my hand. "Where we live. 9401 Kiowa Trail Chanhasen, MN." Nodding my head I looked out the window and looked at him. His eyes were shining and this smile painted his face. I couldn't tear my attention away from those eyes and suddenly, my body started to feel like I was floating.
After taking turns driving, laughing, cracking jokes, and napping, we finally arrived and lemme just say that it's cold as hell up here. It was 2 in the morning once we arrived. Snow covered the group and decorated rooftops. I pulled up to this gate and he gave me the code. Once I drove farther, it was this beautiful purple house. I parked the car and my mouth dropped open at the site of it.
Gathering the rest of her belongings out from the car she turned the key to the house and opened the door. "This is beautiful." Wrapping her arms around her to keep warm, I closed the door. She walked around, peeking into every room. Startled, she jumped once I snuck up behind her. "Ya like?" She smiled and that was my answer. Guiding her back down stairs to the kitchen, she sat down at the counter while I fixed up something to drink. "So what do you think so far?" Placing a cookie in her mouth, she smiled. "Its beautiful but it's cold as hell." Placing a kiss on her cold cheek, I sat down beside her pulling her close to me. "Your brother and sister said they were coming by here tomorrow. Your finally here with me for good now."

Waking up the next day, I called up my chef and had him make us breakfast. We slept all morning and it was now 2 in the afternoon. We had fallen asleep in each other's arms on the couch. "Hey mama." She stood by the window after her shower to look at the snow. "Hey." Holding her hand we entered into the kitchen and sat down to have breakfast. "This is our first breakfast together." I smiled and introduced her to my chef. "Hello, your really pretty." She blushed. "Alright keep ya eyes on that food." We shared a laugh or too and continued on with our conversation.
While he was in rehearsal, I drove to Aubrey's house.

Walking inside, her and our brother were wrapped up in clothes to keep warm

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Walking inside, her and our brother were wrapped up in clothes to keep warm. "Its mothafuckin cold up here. Shit!" I laughed at her and looked around. Kari had stayed the night to help with moving. "So how was ya first night with him?" Sitting down on the couch I smiled. "His house is beautiful. I can't wait for y'all to see it. It's really nice."
Returning home, Elle was gone to her sisters house so I went into the studio to record. I have an upcoming show January 10th and an interview the same day. After a while I dozed off to sleep and felt her hand on mine. "My brother and sister are here." Walking out of the studio and into the room, they stood in the living room looking around. "This is nice. I like this." They visited us for a while until it was time for Kari to catch his flight. "Well I gotta head out. You be careful and you, take care of her." We shook hands as they left. "Baby let's go." Grabbing my keys to my car, I started down the street. "Where are we going?"

Pulling into my mothers driveway, I grabbed her hand and walked up to the front door. I knocked waiting for her to answer and Elle stood there puzzled. She opened the door and greeted me with a hug. "Ma this is Elle, my girlfriend. Elle, this is my mother." She smiled and hugged her as well welcoming us in. "Its nice to meet you."
His mother is beautiful. She offered us hot chocolate as we sat down on the couch. "You're really pretty." I smiled and thanked her. "You from Lousiana?" I nodded and and Prince grabbed my hand. "I could tell cause of your accent. I was born there." We sat down and talked for a while and she was so welcoming and sweet. "What do you think of Minnesota?" I smiled. "Its cold but pretty." They both smirked and looked at me. "You'll get used to it. So you have a movie coming out soon? I wanna see it. I saw the trailer." I smiled and it felt good knowing that Prince talked about me to his mother. It made me feel special. "Its supposed to be in theaters this Saturday so I have to fly out to California for the premiere." We talked and talked and then we left. Getting in the car I let out a sigh of relief. "That wasn't so bad now was it?" Smiling at him I shook my head as he placed a kiss on my hand. "No. She's really sweet and pretty."
Chest rising and falling, curls hovering over her sleeping face, I walked out and into the studio until the phone rang. "Ma, what are you doing up? Its 3 in the morning." Laughter on the other end. "Can't sleep. Why are you up? You need to be asleep. You got a show at 11 tomorrow." Returning the laughter, I shrugged. "I'm up recording." For a moment it got quiet and I then she finally spoke. "Is that the Elle that Toussaint was talkin' about?" Dropping my pen, I grabbed my guitar and strummed a note. "Yes, that's her." I could hear a smile in her voice which sounded like music to my ears. "She's really pretty. I like her. Does she know that you're half vampire?" Shaking my head to myself I noticed my eyes in the mirror. Shiny, bright eyes. "She doesn't know at all. Now's not the time. When the time is right, she'll know because she'll be one too."

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