Higher ground;; 2

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Mathias was a very cheerful boy, he enjoyed playing outdoor and wrestling with his father. There were not a lot of children in his tribe but he didn't mind, he was grateful with his family by his side. His mother always made time for him and his father didn't complain about spending time with his son either. 

He and his mother would dance and make music, talk with the elderly, and take care of the few animals they had. Mathias treasured those things deeply growing up. His father would take him out to hunt, and of course, played kid games with his young son.

The seven-year-old boy loved spending time with the seniors as well, he cherished listening to their tales, about old warriors, legends and gods. Even though he felt satisfied he still deeply desired a companion to play with. He would pretend to have a friend for a short while, but he later gave up on his imaginary friend.

It was a foggy morning, his parents settling for the visitors that were coming to visit. He heard that his father had invited his allies from the Bondevik tribe. This wasn't the first time, he had seen the cold looking man many times, he was truly scared of him. 

Mathias had learned to respect the Bondevik tribe since he was born. They had great magical powers and brave warriors. He had been told that the leader didn't have magical powers yet was still one of the most powerful warriors. not to forget one of the most powerful warriors of the whole northern seas.

Mathias was getting read for the guesseds of the Bondevik tribe, most of the time he would run towards the elderly. But this time his father told him to wait indoors, while his parents welcomed their Norwegian partners. Little did he know that there was a boy only 2 years younger then him, alongside his father. Mathias sat down inside the house waiting for his parents to return with the visitors.

Mathias unable to sit still remained waiting until the door eventually opened and his father walked in with the serious-looking man, and to his surprise a small boy. His father stopped walking and his father kneeled down in front of him. "Mathias, This is Lukas Bondevik the future leader of the Bondevik tribe. Do you mind spending time with him?"

Mathias jumped up, nodded and grinned brightly. His father answered with a proud smile and walked back to the serious-looking norwegian. The two-adults disappeared and left Mathias alone with the other boy. The danish boy opened his mouth "Hello! I am Mathias Køhler! Your name is Lukas right?! My dad told me about you!! You look way cuter than I thought!" Mathias said innocently.

Lukas remained silent for a little before answering, "Yes I am Lukas." He said pausing quickly "And thank you?" He replied holding back his voice.

Mathias grinned and stood up, "Do you want to see something amazing?!" Lukas thought about the offer for a few seconds and nodded. The Danish boy grabbed Lukas' hand and ran outside. "I am sure you'll like it!" he yelled dragged the smaller boy with him.

Hi hi!

Welcome back and Thank you for reading another chapter, I hope you enjoyed it!

[Edit] I am "rewriting"/fixing some mistakes and I noticed this chapter is extremely short. I apologise and can tell you that the chapters get longer. I'm trying to add some things to make it less short.

English isn't my first language, so I apologise for the grammar mistakes.

⚠️I do not own the fanart that has been used for this chapter, nor do I own the characters or Hetalia itself.⚠️


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