Higher ground;; 20

175 17 5

"Lukas, will you please marry me when this fight is over?"

The Norwegian male stayed silent, not knowing what to say. "what?.." Lukas said softly. Mathias pushed the smaller male backwards so he could look him in the eyes. "I want you by my side for as long as I live. I want you to be the first thing to see when I wake up and the last when I go to sleep. I will protect you with my life, I promise! So Lukas Bondevik will you please marry me?" Mathias said smiling brightly. Lukas kept looking at the Dane with a surprised look. He opened his mouth to answer but before he could make a noise an other sound had distracted them. (Before any of you gets mad at me for not letting them have a romantic proposal, blame my little sister, I let her decide and she wanted this so I'm sorry. There is no need to worry I'll give them a better proposal if they all make it out alive)

"Well well well, the love birds have a bonding moment..." Lukas rolled of Mathias and both males stood up within a second. Mathias stepped protectively in front of Lukas. Berwald looked at the taller leader noticing his arm was completely healed. "I see your arm is healed, that must have cost your, boyfriend, a lot of energy." The swede said look at Lukas. The Norwegian male pushed the Dane aside softly and stepped in front of him. "I still have enough energy to beat you." He said glaring at the Swede. "Lukas n-" Mathias said before being cut off by the Norwegian. "Don't. You're exhausted, you will die if you return to the battlefield." Lukas looked back at Mathias with a tiny smile on his face. Mathias screamed out Lukas' name when the Norwegian male ran forward to the swede, teleporting both of them away leaving Mathias alone by himself.

Tino was still with the children wandering around the woods. His new friend Ake was in the front, and Tino was in the back keeping an eye on the children. He didn't know the forest well, he has been living with the scary-looking swede for about ten months. Tino noticed that a few of the children were becoming to get tried. "Ake, let's rest for a bit." The teenager turned around and nodded. Most of the children sat down immediately. The Finnish male walked over to the boy and started a conversation.

"So Ake, anyone special in your life?" Tino said grinning. Ake immediately turned red and nodded a tiny bit. Tino smiled and lay a hand on the boys' back. "Tell me about them."  Ake smiled awkwardly "She is not a member of the Oxenstierna tribe.." he said while his expression became sadder. "I see, which tribe is she from?" He looked up in surprise, most people had told him to stop dreaming but Tino didn't, At least yet. "I don't know the name, all I know is that the tribe is deep in the forest. They are terrified of Oxenstierna tribe members." Tino nodded "How did you two meet?" Ake smiled thinking back "She was out hunting with a few friends but they got separated. I found her sitting near the river, I.. I thought she looked beautiful so I decided to talk to her. And I'm so happy I did she is truly an angel!!" The sixteen-year-old boy said happily, his smile growing wider with every word he spoke. Tino smiled and lay a hand on the Swedish boys' shoulder "I'm happy for you." 

it stayed silent until Ake opened his mouth  "How about you?"   Tino was a bit surprised by Ake's question "Well, uh... I think so?"  the Finnish male said rubbing the back of his neck. Ake smiled brightly "What are they like?"  Tino smiled thinking back about the tall Swede "Well he looks very intimidating and scary at first, but when you get to know him he is caring and sweet."


I am so sorry for not uploading in two weeks, I fell behind with my homework so I had to spend those two weeks making homework- Anyways I hope everyone is doing well. Once again my apologies for not uploading in two weeks, I will do my best to upload next week.

Wash your hands and stay save


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