Higher ground;; 29

165 13 2

"Lukas, Become my husband."

The Norwegian froze, not knowing how to respond. He wanted to, but what about his tribe. Lukas wanted to answer but had no idea how to.

Without even knowing it, tears began rolling down the smaller man's cheeks. "Mathias, is this what you want? Or are you saying this because there is so much emotion flowing through your body?" Lukas asked softly.

This made the Dane look up,  "Both".  The Norwegian leader chuckled, "Mathias, I would love to. But our tribes make it nearly unmanageable.."

Mathias took a step closer and was now face to face with his Norwegian lover. His expression was deadly serious. "I don't care, Emil can take it over? Or the tribes can unite!" The Dane murmured desperately.

The taller man raised the other man in bride style and began to run. Lukas had no idea what was going on, nor did he know where he was going. He wasn't scared, it was Mathias after all.

It didn't take that long to get to their other special place, Mathias had been racing in full pace. He let the Norwegian man down upon the ground, still clutching his waist.

It was on a tiny island, trees encircled the place and you cloud see the sky without any trouble. The only way to get on it was by swimming or the remains of an enormous tree.

This was not their official special place. Which was near the Køhler village. Therefore it would be impossible for the two to go there now.

The sky was now full of stars, and a beautiful moon was rising, staring down at the two men. The noises of an owl in the distance made them relax while the wind swept through the trees.

Mathias let go of the Norwegian's waist and took both of his hands instead. Lukas was confused but didn't complain, he as well had required some alone time with his lover.

"Lukas Bondevik," Mathias started, pressing his forehead against the smaller mans'. "It doesn't matter what the others will think of us, nor does it matter what will happen with the tribes." He continued with a shaking voice. 

"Please, marry me.." Mathias begged one last time, hoping it would convince the other man. Lukas smiled, a rare but truthful one. "I would love to. It will be hard, but it's worth it." Mathias lighted up immediately, he hugged Lukas tightly and picked him up in the progress, bouncing from happiness.

"Thank you, Lukas!!" The Dane cried out happily. He kept the smaller man lifted in his arms. The Norwegian stared down from his position and softly kissed the Dane. It was soundless for a few moments before the Norwegian man broke the silence "You do know we have to announce it to the tribe right?"

Mathias let the Norwegian softly down to the ground. "Don't ruin the moment Lukas!!" He whined. His reaction made the Norwegian giggle. "Sorry."

Time past and the two decided to walk back in silence towards the village. Both of them completely covered up in their thoughts. Neither of them knew how this would continue. Their dream was so close. They could nearly reach it. Yet there was a massive barrier between their fantasy, and themselves.

Hoping and praying to the gods wasn't enough. If only one of them hadn't been a tribe leader. That thought was pulverised immediately after thinking of it. If both of them hadn't been tribe leaders, they would've never had met.

They continued walking in silence, neither of them felt awkward. It was a peaceful silence, both of them had nothing to tell so why would they? Lukas gently reached out for the Danes' hand, but Mathias had already put his hand around the smaller man's waist.

The Norwegian looked at his lover and received a huge smile, one he thought he would've never seen again. One that would've disappeared if time wasn't on their side. A smile made its way on the Norwegians lips. He ached to see this smile every day.

Mathias on his terms noticed the Norwegians grin. He then decided that there was no other way but to hold his lover in his arms. He didn't hesitate, not a millisecond past and the Norwegian man was now laying in his arms, to Lukas' own surprise.

Mathias could feel the smaller man's muscles loosen. The Norwegian started to relax and leaned against the Danes muscular chest.

Time passed by, and the two arrived at the Bondevik village, The moon was now high in the sky. Yet multiple people were outside, sitting around a campfire. Telling tales, drinking, singing and laughing. Those were the lucky ones. Others were already indoors, mourning about their departed loved ones. alongside others who were still being treated.

Mathias had let Lukas go, yet the pair was not more than a meter apart from each other. Side by side, the couple approached the large group of people. Mathias being his optimistic self, immediately started chatting happily with the nearest character. Lukas, on the other hand, had no interest in communicating with strangers unless he needed to.

Of course, the Dane didn't let him get away with that, he happily started conversing about Lukas, not in a bad way, however it still made the smaller man embarrassed.

The night flew by faster than expected, a large number of people that were sitting around the campfire were drunk. Others were sitting embarrassed, staring at their friends, family and lovers.

The drunkest of them all was of course Mathias. Lukas had not a single idea of how he did it. It surprised the smaller male how much his lover could drink. Alongside, with the question of how his stupidity could grow.

Several were leaving, they did need rest after all. Men and Women started returning to their homes. Bringing new-made friends along with them. It took a while to convince the Norwegian tribe members to let them stay in their houses. But in the end, they secretly enjoyed the new company. 

Lukas walked over to his drunk danish lover and helped him up. Together they made their way to the Norwegian's house.

"Hei Lukas? What would it be like to live in the same house?"


Ok so, I'm not dead yet-

I apologise for not uploading, and I will try to be faster. School has started for about a month so I've been busy. This is my last year after all--

I really hope this was worth reading for everyone, and thank you so much for reading.

Not to mention, I checked the tags today, and this story is number 2 in SuFin? It actually surprised me. It will probably change soon. But thank you so much?!

Thank you for sticking by and reading, It really means a lot to me!

Stay save, good luck at school. And until next time!

⚠️I do not own the fanart that has been used for this chapter, nor do I own the characters or Hetalia itself.⚠️


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