Higher ground:: 27

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A chill wind blew through the Norwegians blonde hair when he walked off the boat. He requested Mathias to bring him back to his village.

The Dane had accepted, under the condition that his tribe and himself, were allowed to stay for a few days. That was a request that the Norwegian tribe leader couldn't turn down.

Mathias' boat had led the other ships, both Bondevik and Køhler. Lukas set foot on shore and looked back at the ocean. At least ten Viking ships were in sight.

They looked powerful, big wooden boats. The ships were pushed forward by the wind, who was blowing aggressively against the sails, coloured with red and white stripes. He saw strong Vikings fight against the waves, pushing and pulling their paddles.

People were slowly starting to set foot on land. Women and children ran out of their houses to great their Family members. It looked heartwarming.

Lukas felt a hand on his shoulder, the Norwegian leader turned around and was now standing face to face with his mother. She had a huge smile on her face. It hadn't been that long, about a week. But it still seemed she missed him a lot.

The blonde man was pulled into a hug from behind, slim arms held his waist close. Lukas knew immediately who it was. "Good to see you too Emil." He said smiling.

The Norwegian tribe leader lifted his arm, making it possible for Emil to walk underneath his arm. The boy noticed his elder brothers hint and walked underneath his arm, still holding his brother's waist.

Emil was only like this when Lukas returned, he mostly reacted coldly. Lukas knew his little brother cared, he was just embarrassed. Only at times like this, when Lukas returned alive from a fight her would react that way. Probably because he had been worried. A fight against a different tribe can end badly, which is why everyone welcomes the surviving warriors with open arms.

Their mother smiled even brighter than before and roughly stroked both of their heads, making them laugh. She stopped after a few seconds. The look in her eyes looked suspiciously like she knew something the two brothers didn't.

Lukas gave her a confused glance. Suspicion grew in the Norwegian until he felt a strong arm around him, and before he knew it both him and Emil sat on Mathias upper arms. A blush appeared on the Norwegians face. Emil, on the other hand, looked shocked.

Mathias laughed loudly, he got down on one knee, carefully putting the two brothers down. Emil ran away, well not too far, the only difference was that Mathias wasn't able to pick him up again. His elder brother, on the other hand, gave the Dane a kick against his leg. The spiked haired man laughed it off awkwardly, hoping that Lukas wouldn't notice that it did hurt.

Unfortunately for the Dane, The Norwegian tribe leader had noticed his reaction. He took a step closer connecting the sides of their hips, he carefully grabbed Mathias' hand and hid it behind their backs. This made the blue-eyed man grin brightly.

Lukas let go off Mathias' hand shortly after, he said goodbye to his mother who had luckily not noticed anything. Lukas walked away from the two, checking up on the returning warriors.

The Norwegian tribe leader hoped with all his heart that all of them had survived, but he knew that was impossible. This was a fight against one of the strongest tribes.

He walked towards the boats. Only a few of them hadn't arrived yet, but he could see them in the distance. He sighed in relieve knowing all the boats made it back home, which meant that a lot of warriors did as well.

He talked with a few women and men, clarifying who hadn't survived the battle.

After one hour of being able to talk to a lot of warriors without being interrupted by the annoying Dane, Lukas had collected a clear list of the deceased warriors.

He knew the list would grow, nothing could stop the circle of life and death. He absolutely hated seeing people hurt because of a warrior that had died. But he couldn't change it. He only went into wars with other tribes if they asked for it.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Mathias approach him. Lukas opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the Danes' arms around him.

Lukas knew the blue-eyed man was upset because his deceased warriors, it had happened before. Mathias would slowly cry into his shoulder and Lukas would comfort him by petting his back. It wasn't anything new.

Mathias hated wars as much as Lukas did. He only reacted differently. Lukas would keep his thoughts to himself, While Mathias needed comfort. He would tell the smaller man about how he felt like he failed his tribe, and Lukas would reassure him that he wasn't.

When Mathias would go too far with pitting himself, Lukas would draw a line right then and there. Causing the Dane to stop. He didn't know how the smaller man did it, but it worked.

Mathias, on the other hand, could make the Norwegian easily forget about his problems when they got too big. He would make sure that the only thing that was on the smaller man's mind were happy things. He would hold him close, kiss his face and run around him just to get his attention. Lukas would get pissed at him in the beginning, but would eventually give in.

It was different when they were in public, nobody besides Tino and a few other people did know about their relationship. How ever, both of them wanted to change this.

But today was different, Mathias was indeed upset about the warriors that had died. But something else crossed his mind. Lukas wasn't immortal.

Tears rolled down the Danes face. If he had been a few minutes later his Lukas would've been gone. The Norwegian softly rubbed the taller man's back. "Everything is ok Mathias. it's the circle of life, you can't do anything about it." Lukas whispered in his ear.

The Dane pulled away from the hug and shook his head, "I know that, and it hurts. But what hurts, even more, is that you could've been one of them." More tears rolled down Mathias' face.

"Lukas you're the best thing that ever happened to me! If I had been later you would've been gone. I can't imagine a life without you!!" He cried out.

Lukas' eyes grew wide, he didn't expect this. "Mathias, we would've met again in Valhalla." Lukas cupped his lover's face and looked him in the eyes. "I would watch over you, and protect you with my soul."

Mathias tried to speak but was cut off by Lukas. "I would be happy for you when you found another to love. Not to forget, I would smile and thank Odin if you'd create a family." Lukas said making Mathias sob even harder.

Mathias placed his hands on the Norwegians' shoulders and shook him. "I don't want it! I don't want you saying that!! I want a family with you Lukas and none else!! I love you!" He screamed

The Danish tribe leader let go of the violent-eyed man's shoulder, letting his arms fall to his side, looking down at the ground. It stayed silent for a moment.

"Lukas, become my husband."


AHh ok so, I'm on vacation and I share a room with my sister and she wants to sleep-

But I just wanted to say that I hope everyone is doing well. Good day, I love all of you- bye bye


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