Higher ground;; 21

187 17 8

The sun had risen, Tino and Ake were still wandering around the forest. Ake was leading them past the forest borders. There weren't any troubles until Tino noticed a ship. The Finnish man signed Ake to stop, told him to wait with the children and got closer to the pair of ships hiding between the mountains. It didn't take long for the smaller male to recognize the ships owner "Lukas..."

Tino jumped up and ran back to the children, Ake was holding a child that couldn't walk anymore. "Ake, the Bondevik tribe is here. We need to warn Berwald."  The younger Swede nodded and handed Tino the child and the male held the child close while Ake gathered the others. They started to run making sure the Swedish children could keep up. This time Tino was in front and Ake was in the back, the boy told where the Finnish male had to go.

They ran for a while before one of the kids fell to the ground, it started to cry and Tino was scared it would grab the attention of someone, or worse something. The Finnish male quickly calmed the child down and decided to carry them as well.

They came closer to the village, Tino didn't want to leave Ake and the other children alone in a dark forest without any protection other than the sixteen-year-old boy. But he also didn't want to put them in danger by bringing them with him to the camp. So the male decided to leave them not too far from the camp, making sure they could run towards Tino if something attacked them.

Tino ran until a person appeared in front of him, a medium-sized man with white hair appeared out of nowhere. "I apologise sir but I can't allow you to pass me." The male said politely. "And what if I pass without your approval?" The white-haired male smirked "Once I again sir, I can not let you pass. The only way you can continue is to kill me."  Tino took his sword out of the protector and held it in front of him. The man sighed "I see, I hope Valhalla will welcome you with open arms."  The male didn't grab a weapon to Tino's surprise. The Finnish male noticed something magical coming his way. He jumped aside dodging the attack. 'Bondevik.'  The male smiled "You look surprised."  Tino smiled friendly in a sarcastic way "Not really, You're way too polite and weak to be a Køhler tribe member" The white-haired man's face dropped, "Weak? I admit we prefer to stay out of battles but that doesn't mean that we are weak."  Tino ran forward to the male and launched an attack. The other male blocked his attack quite easily. Tino launched another attack and continued this until he noticed that it didn't work.

"I do really hope that you are trying. Because if you do not, then you are weaker then I had imagined" The white-haired man said smirking. This made the Finnish male extremely angry. He was really trying, how dare he call him weak. Tino ran forward, this time he did not attack with his sword, he was using his feet. He jumped left to dodge an attack and continued running jumping to the sides dodging every attack. He was now less than one meter away from the white-haired male. Tino pretended to jump which made the other male think he was going to do an attack from above.

The male reacted immediately but in the wrong way. This created an opening for the Finnish male. He immediately gets close to the ground using his feet to tackle the man in front of him. Tino jumped up, pointing his sword at the other male's throat. "Any last words?" The Finn said putting on an extremely dangerous face, letting the other know that he could kill him any second. The other male smiled friendly. "Not really, I'm just glad to know that you've finally gotten some power."  Tino looked confused, he tried to find out who this man was but he just couldn't remember him. "Excuse me?" Tino said irritated. The male didn't say a word but only smiled. "Answer me!"  Tino said coming closer to the other males face.

"Tino, take a good look at my face and body." The Finnish didn't move his blade he started to look at his face at first he still had no clue who this was. Then he looked at his body like the man told him to and saw that he was covered in blood. The man was bleeding to death. Tino looked back at the man, starting to feel upset. Did he know this person, and if he did why would the male attack Tino? "You're bleeding to death.." Tino said a bit upset "Why do you sound so upset, I can see by the face you make you still don't know who I am."  Tino removed his sword from the unknown man's throat. He didn't know why he felt sympathy for him. "Tino, please take care of Lukas for me. You and I never really talked but you and Lukas did. You care about him even if his dad left you on your own." Tino's eyes grew wide after finally recognising the Male in front of him.


Heyo! I actually made it in time. You have to wait one week [Maybe more] before you'll find out who this person is- I really hope everyone is still save and healthy. If you are please keep it that way. I love you all have an amazing day


⚠️I do not own the fanart used for this chapter⚠️


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