Higher ground;; 6

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Berwald had returned home, he didn't dare to look anyone in the eye. he heard his father call his name behind his back, but he didn't care. He went straight inside, locked the door and sat down on in his chair. At this point Berwald kind of upset because he didn't have a partner. His mother always told him stories about how both his parents helped each other a lot. But sadly for the Swedish man he hadn't find anyone yet, he knew his father would start talking about getting married, his plan was trying to marry the next Bondevik leader. but unfortunately, his plan was ruined, he wanted to create one strong tribe that would be unbeatable.

Berwald lay his head down in his hands, he felt really disappointed. He hoped he could destroy the Køhler tribe but today was a big failure, and the had ruined his only chances with the new leader of The Bondevik tribe by being the reason his father died.

After half an hour of thinking someone knocked on the door, Berwald glared at the door for a few seconds before getting up and opening the door. He looked at one of his tribe members, the man was about one head smaller than him and had brown hair. he had forgotten his name but it seemed like he had an important message. "Sir, a few of our hunters discovered a young man in the woods. he was injured so we decided to take him to the village, he has been treated and is currently in the building on the east side. Two of the warriors who didn't get injured in the battle against the Køhler and Bondevik tribe are guarding him."  The man reported before walking away.

Berwald didn't know what to think, 'A young man, All by himself in the woods?' The Swedish man felt a bit curious. He didn't want to seem heartless against his own people so he decided to check up on them first before checking out who the new person was. He walked outside he looked around for a few seconds and saw his father running towards him. "Berwald! My son, I am so sorry! I screwed up I know I ruined your plans, please forgive me." his father begged him. Berwald softly lay his hand on his father's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "It is alright father, you didn't screw up you tried your best we all did." Berwald removed his hand, checked up on a few more people and then left for the injured man.

He walked into the house and saw two people guarding a person who was curled up in a corner. well if you can call it guardian, both men were sleeping against the wall. poor guys, they must be exhausted. Berwald woke them up and told them they needed to get some rest. they nodded and left the building for their own house. The Swedish man watched them leave before walking up to the unknown boy in front of him. he kneeled down behind him and lay a hand on the young man's shoulder, he turned around a looked terrified yet he didn't try to show it. "I am sorry, did I scare you?" Berwald asked politely.

Berwald took a better look at the man's face. The first thing he noticed was his eyes, they were purple and his hair was light blond. The man shook his head fast and smiled awkwardly. But you could easily see that he was terrified of the Swedish man. Berwald smiled a little tiny bit "What is your name?"  he asked. The man hesitated but started speaking after a few seconds "M-my name is Tino... Tino Väinämöinen." He said softly. "My name is Berwald Oxenstierna, I am the tribe leader. I have a few questions for you. First of all, what were you doing all by yourself?" Berwald sat down next to Tino, Tino looked terrified but didn't say a word. "My family got attacked, My mother told me to run away so I ran. I've been alone for around three months now and I got into a fight with some of your tribe members."  Berwald nodded "And where are you from?" Tino looked surprised, "I was born and raised in Finland sir." Berwald nodded "I see, it is pretty cold here isn't it, come with me." The Swedish man stood up and held out his hand so Tino could grab it. Tino hesitated again before deciding to take his hand, Berwald helped him up and walked to the door. Tino followed him, afraid to lose him. The Swedish man opened the door to his house, he waited until Tino walked in before closing the door. Tino felt uncomfortable. Berwald and Tino both started talking about themselves, slowly opening up to each other.



You've survived yet another chapter, this time with Sufin. I hoped everyone enjoyed this chapter! 

Until next week, bye bye!

⚠️I do not own the fanart that has been used for this chapter, nor do I own the characters or Hetalia itself.⚠️


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