•number four•

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her golden brown eyes ignited the room, as death lingered in her stare.

every ounce of respect had left Athena's body, leaving her with one feeling and one feeling only.


rage fuelled her mind and body to do stupid things some times. it would boil her blood and tick her off in a second.

"what the hell's going on?!" Athena roared back at Luca.

"I could simply ask you the exact thing when you decided to arrange mine and Octavius' marriage" she said, her fists curled up so tightly her knuckles were turning white.

"we've already told you it's best. sorry sweetheart if you can't accept it but it is what it is. that's life" Luca said crossing his arms over his chest.

Athena remained furious.

"what, you think just because you're the only heir of the guy that ran one of the worlds strongest mafias and that your daddies little girl you'll get what you want by firing as many useless rounds as you want? no. that's not how the world works. the world picks you up and throws you back down, breaking every inch of you, tearing you apart. you can't always get what you want. when life throws you a speed bump you have two choices; to stop and give up or drive over that shit likes it's nothing at full speed" Luca said, in a very raised voice.

"hold your egotistical jerky horses right there, you have no idea what i want and what's good for me. you're lucky that you're important to my mafia and my father other wise you'd be dead. and no. it's not a threat. it's a statement" Athena growled.

"i have done everything i can do to build my mafia up to the strength it has right now. i've dropped everything i've worked hard in getting because my mafia is my life. and under no circumstances is anyone going to fuck with my life like you have and get away with it." she said, her eyes wide and filled with fury.

"everything has not been given to me on a silver platter, i have not had it easy. not as near as easy as most. i lost my own mother, i lost my own father the day he was shot. now tell me. what would you do if your wife was killed or if, let's say Octavius was killed, or no longer available to run your mafia." Athena said with the slight hint of tears threatening to fall down her cheek.

Luca looked like he had been taken back. slight fear had flashed across his face before it turned stone cold within a blink of an eye.

Luca went to say something before Athena cut him off.

"save it. i'll say this once and once only. i will give you your wish and marry your son, but i am not giving you the satisfaction of you enjoying it. oh i won't. remember that." she said with no emotion before storming away, forcefully shoving Luca out of the way.

she remained strong until she made it back to her room when she closed the door and fell to the ground clinging to the ground as if it was her lifeline.

she broke.

she shattered into millions of pieces and it was almost beyond repair.

that was until a small, almost unnoticeable knock sounded on her door.

Athena quickly stood up and and wiped her tears and opened it revealing Octavius.

she stood aside and let him in. she closed the door as he passed her. he stopped and turned around.

"are you okay, ya know, with talking about your mom and your dad like that" Octavius said, worry thick in his voice because somehow he could see the pain that she hid well.

Athena nodded, her breathing picking up as tears sprung to her eyes.

she cried again.

"no i'm not okay. none of this is ok" she cried even harder and hugged Octavius for some sense of comfort, to which he provided.

Athena continued to cry into his chest clinging onto him.

Octavius stood there frozen, unable to move. he didn't know what to do in a situation like this.

he wasn't good at comforting a girl when she was going through a "mental breakdown".

he hesitantly hugged her back and whispered in her ear, "it's okay Athena, you can cry. you've been through enough to be able let it all out. it's ok to be sad."

those words shattered Athena.

all these years, all these emotions. every heart break, every stressful moment, every kill, everything. everything had been bottled up and she didn't realise until now that she was drowning.

she didn't realise how badly she needed that breath of air.

when she cried she felt the weight lift off of her shoulders.

she didn't care about anything at the moment.

she didn't care about the fact her mother died.
she didn't care about her father.
she didn't care about the arranged marriage she was forced into.
she didn't care about Octavius or Luca.


she felt empty. cold.

really fucking cold.

her mafia was something that always lingered in her mind. it never left it.

but right now, she wasn't even thinking about her mafia either.

all she could think about was how good it felt to finally cry, to finally experience the harsh emotions that normal teenagers go through.

and after a fair amount of time of crying, all that could be heard was the sound of her hiccups and shaky and uneven breaths.

she didn't realise how long she'd been with Octavius who was still rubbing her back, and holding her.

she let go of him and rubbed her eyes.

"i- sorry. i don't know what happened" Athena said sheepishly.

Octavius looked at the girls face that was now looking adorable and bad at the same time.

her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks were stained with her dried tears. her whole face was fucked. but in his opinion she still managed to look hot.

"take care of yourself Athena. in order to help others you need to help yourself first" Octavius smiles sadly before walking past her and leaving the room.

"see you tonight" Athena could faintly hear.

although his words were given as advice they were rather cold in Athena's opinion. she didn't like the fact that it annoyed her. she didn't care.

or so she thought.

Athena looked at her watch muttering a few colouring strings of vulgar language before rushing to the bathroom and getting in the shower.

only an hour and a half until the party had started and she was an absolute fucking mess.

i'm really excited as to how this book is playing out. i can see my viewers getting higher and i'm almost at 200! thank youu. i thought this was going to be another book where i'll get less than 100 and i would have eventually unpublished it but i can see the numbers slowly rise so thank you if you're reading this!!

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