•number nineteen•

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It had been 7 days.

7 terribly long days that had Athena in absolute agony.

She spent all of these years building up these walls and with one touch from Octavius, they came crumbling down and she couldn't decide if it were a good or a bad thing.

The past couple of days Athena had spent snapping at everyone. She even shot one of her men in the foot for not doing his job properly.

Although her emotions were haywire, she managed to find the time to buy a wedding dress. She hoped that Octavius would like it. It was the only opinion she cared about.

Octavius was left busy. Everyday it was wake up early. Do shipments. Kill people. Sell drugs. Go to bed late. And repeat. He missed his beloved Athena and her distracting kisses. And to make matters worse, they hadn't even exchanged one phone call or one text message, both too preoccupied with the works of their mafia.

Athena was absolutely terrified. In just a few hours she would elope to the man she hated growing up. But none of that mattered now. She was terrified over the fact that she was starting fall in love.

She was almost certain that she was falling in love and she couldn't stop herself.

Her hair was pulled into a loose bun at the back of her head. Small diamond hair pins were placed in the bun and two small curls frames her face.

Her makeup was done with precision. Everything was perfect. Not a hair out of place. Not an eyelash out of line. Not a eyeshadow follicle where it wasn't supposed to be.

Her nerves were going haywire.

"Knock knock" Athena's Father popped his head through, he was wearing a crisp, clean black and white suit with a bow tie.

"Dad. You look handsome" Athena smiled and stood up from her seat.

"And you look absolutely gorgeous. And I haven't even seen you in your dress yet. Octavius has no idea was he has got" Maximus said.

Athena blushed and her eyes fell to the blue velvet box in his hand.

"What's that?" She asked

"This.. this was your mother's. She wore at our wedding. And I know she would've loved for you to wear it" Max said, handing Athena the box.

She almost started crying. She knew exactly was in that box.

It was a small diamond necklace and bracelet that she saw in the photos of her their wedding.

"Dad" she looked up at him, tears threatening to spill out as she rushed over to him and squeezed him so hard that she could've suffocated him.

"I'm scared" she whispered out, not letting her grip falter.

Maximus comforted her daughter by rubbing her back.

"Don't be scared my sweet girl, you'll grow fond of Octavius eventually. I know you two have a connection. I can see it" he said, trying to calm her nerves.

Athena heaved out a laugh and tapped under eyes, pulling away from the hug.

"No dad. I'm scared. I'm think I'm... I think I'm in love. I think I love him" she whispered out.

Maximus' eyes widened in shock.

"Already?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"Yeah. I think so. He's- he's..." Athena said, her voice going quiet.

She glanced at her father and found him smiling at her.

"I knew from the moment I laid eyes on your mother that I would fall in love with her eventually. I trust that you feel the same with Octavius" he smiled and kissed Athena's forehead.

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