•number sixteen•

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Octavius POV

This girl. This girl right here made everyday feel like Christmas and it made me fucking happy.

I don't know why her, but all I know is that this girl is everything.

Everything about her had me stuck in admiration.

I had grown fond of her brunette hair, and her vanilla and honey scent. I had grown fond of her crackhead mood, and her psychotic ways.

I don't understand much of what is happening here, but the one thing I do understand is that she already means more to me than I'll ever tell her.

"Octavius" I was brought away from my thoughts when I looked down to Athena poking my side.

"Yes, Love?"

"I wanna leave the kitchen. And there's glass on the floor. Please move me" she pouted, and let her doe eyes beg me.

I smiled slightly and nodded that made her squeal and smile brightly.

Her smile sent butterflies through my stomach and i gulped down the unusual feeling.

I lifted her from her waist, her light-weight barely making me do little to no work.

I had planned on just quickly transitioning her from the bench, to the kitchen entry but that idea was suddenly out of my head as soon as the little vixen wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my next, bringing herself impossibly close.

The position we were in brought back memories from last night and this morning and I felt myself slightly shift underneath her.

"Come one Captain. Onwards and upwards. Too Narnia we go Peter!" She exclaimed.


"Peter pan. Hurry up" she said giving me a tap on the back of my head causing me to wince.

"What the hell does Peter Pan have to do with Nar-" I was cut off by her mimicking me in a child voice.

"Oh will you shut up. I said let's go" she said, crawling around my body so she was now on my back.

My arms hooked under her thighs as I began walking.

Being this close to her, made me happy.

It was the way that her body fit so perfectly against mine that made me love it even more.

I walk up her stairs, not wanting to take the elevator so I could spend a little bit more time with her body against mine.

Once I reached the hallway with our bedrooms in it, I walked into her room and shut the door behind us.

Athena slid out of my arms causing me to frown.

"Thank you" she smiled at me, making my frown disappear almost instantly.

We stayed staring at each other for a while, none of us saying anything.

"Oh fuck it" Athena said and walked up to me again.

At first I was confused, did she want another ride on my back?

But to my shock, her hands cupped my face and she leaned in and kissed me.

Although I was taken aback by her actions I almost instantly wrapped my arms tight around her waist and kissed her back.

I walked her over to the bed and pushed her down, following her silhouette until her back became flush against the bed.

Athena wrapped her legs around my torso bringing me as close as possible.

Sensing that she needs to breathe I move my kisses down her jawline and to her neck where I pull away and remove her sweater.

I start attacking her neck again, breathing in her vanilla scent.

Hearing her soft, airy moans turned me on more than ever before.

I felt Athena's hands slide my suit jacket off and they worked to start unbuttoning my shirt.

"Athena" I said in between my kisses.

"Yes" she breathed out, her hands still spreading delicate sparks all over my skin.

I pulled away from her neck and used my elbows to hold my body weight. I took in her appearance, her cheeks were red and her face was flushed, her chest heaving up and down giving me display of her boobs in her bra but none of that mattered.

My fingers found their way to caress her cheeks and move her hair away from face.

"You aren't just some hook up for me. Okay?" I said, hoping that she wouldn't ask me to elaborate further. I silently prayed that she understood what I meant.

Confessing feelings was never something I was good at.

It was never something I've ever had to do.

She smiled. The little vixen smiled, letting her two dimples show.

"Well aren't you a little softy on the inside" she whispered and kissed me again.

"I don't know what this is Octavius. But, I feel something for you. I know it's stupid and I'm stupid for even saying this but-" I cut her off by smashing my lips against hers.

For the first time, I felt my heart clench.

"Promise me. That if we try, you won't give up" I muttered to her.

Athena pulled back from the kiss and examined my facial features to see if I was joking. But I wasn't. The only thing that has every felt right, was her.

She swiftly rolled me over and straddled my waist. I propped myself up on my elbows and watched her intensely waiting for her reaction.

But I noticed her eyes becoming glossy, was it something I said?

"Athena?" I frowned and cupped her cheek.

"Please don't hurt me Octavius. Don't leave me. Don't give up on me. I need you" she breathed.

"I wouldn't dream of it" I replied and kissed her forehead and her cheeks and her nose causing her to giggle.

"Are we actually going to do this?" She asked continuing to remove my shirt.

Her hands traveled down to my belt and she began undoing that too.

"We're getting married. And I don't know about you, but I want my first wedding to be with someone special. And you're that someone to me. So yes, we are actually doing this, that's if you'll have me?" I smirked and chuckled nervously.

"I wouldn't want anyone else" she said and smashed her lips against mine.

Sex is a simple act that everyone does eventually. It is so simple that even animals do it. But making love? That's something else. It's being able to have the ability to open up, and share your vulnerabilities with someone, and hoping they accept you. We accepted each other thoroughly. We let our walls crumble down for each other.

We didn't just have sex. We made love.

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