•number eleven•

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*not edited

"...And you know that if you ever once get a bad feeling like you're being set up, call me immediately" Octavius was in the middle of pep talking Athena through the mission.

"Yes oh my gosh, you are acting like I've never done this before" Athena exclaimed as she drove to the destination of the warehouse.

Octavius knew that Athena was more than capable of being able to do this herself, but he didn't want anything happening to her. Not when he could prevent it.

Athena's men had left 15 minutes before them and parked in a secluded destination away from the warehouse. They were going to stay in position until the moment blood would be shed.

Octavius would stay hidden in the tinted car until that moment as well.

Adrenaline was kicking in, and Athena's heart was beating in her ears. It was a way to signify that shit was about to get real.

She had finally arrived at the warehouse and saw Madrazo leaning at the entrance.

She quickly put and ear piece in and spoke, "about to approach target. Stand in position. On my word, raise hell"

Octavius has already hidden himself well in the backseat of the car, but could also see out. There was also no way of seeing in, so he would be alright.

Athena stepped out of the car and shut the door, shoving her hands in her jacket pocket as the wind blew her hair in many different directions.

"Kelli, it's good to finally see you" Madrazo offered Athena his hand and she took it and returned a smile before pulling her hand back.

"Thank you for making the time to allow me to go through the stock" she said nodding.

Madrazo nodded in return and guided her to the door of the compound, his hand resting on her lower back causing Athena to shiver in disgust.

Athena looked inside, the strong smell of marijuana hitting her like a truck.

She didn't understand how people could possibly love this smell. Yes, weed was a happy drug and she loved it, but the smell disgusted her every single time.

Her eyes scanned the area, letting herself become aware of the surroundings. There were more workers than she anticipated, all that had a simple firearms as well but she could self point out there were only roughly three rounds in each gun.

She turned back around to Madrazo, who's eyes were skimming Athena's toned body.

"We'll start over here" he pointed to the crate full over packaged cocaine.

They walked over and Athena picked up the white brick.

"May I" she indicated towards the cocaine block and he nodded and watched her intently.

She poked a small hole with her nails and got a small amount on her pointer finger before holding to her nostril and quickly sniffing back.

She immediately felt the substance hit her head and she nodded in approval before placing it back down in the pile.

"That stuff is pretty strong, where do you buy your supply from" she asked, hoping to get an answer out him by acting sexy.

She now wanted to know where he was "buying" from. She could up her sale prices with the quality of the substance, seemingly bringing her more riches.

Ka-Ching Ka-Ching bitches.

"Ms. Ray, with all do respect I wish to not talk about my supplier, its a confidentiality rule" he said, running his hand through his hair.

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