•number eighteen•

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Athena and Octavius had arrived back from dinner a few hours ago and it was around 1am in the morning.

Athena found herself clinging to Octavius as they both laid silently, watching Home Alone.

Octavius hands danced along her naked back, smiling to himself knowing that he could never get tired of her body or the pleasure it gave him.

Athena was still clinging like no tomorrow, not wanting to let Octavius go. Especially after he revealed to her at dinner that he'd have to go back to his Mafia for a week to clean up a few situations.

"Athena, love, you're gonna suffocate me" Octavius chuckled out, causing Athena to wrap her arms tighter around his neck.

"So you're telling me that tomorrow you'll be leaving for a week and come back a day before the wedding" she frowned and looked at him.

"Yes, I'm sorry but until we get married I still have my mafia to worry about separately until we can join them. It's only a week. And then I'm all yours ok?" Octavius said tucking hair behind Athena's ear.

"Can I come?" She pouted. She had already become attached to Octavius and she had no intention letting him go.

That's the thing about being so numb for so long. When you finally allow yourself to feel, you don't stop.
You can't.
It's almost like that person becomes your new life-line. Without them, you'll decay slowly. Inside out.

"You know that if I could take you, I would. But I can't, you have to stay here" Octavius said and kissed her forehead.

Athena nodded her head and felt her throat block up. Octavius had become her rock, even before becoming so close together.

"Besides. It gives you plenty of time to go and buy the most beautiful wedding dress" he said, causing Athena to smile slightly.

"I'm going to miss you" Athena yawned and snuggled closer to Octavius.

"Me too, love" he frowned and held her just as tight.

Both of the young adults slowly fell asleep tangled in each other's bodies, forgetting about the harsh reality that they both hated so much.


Athena rolled over and was met with Octavius' back.

She smiled and thanked the gods that he hadn't left just yet.

She slid closer to him and became the big spoon wrapping her arms around him and kissed his shoulder.

She had become accustomed to the affection she gave him. She spent every moment she had with him touching him or kissing him, scared that if she closed her eyes, he would be gone. Because god only knows that someone as evil as her didn't deserve the love he gave her.

Octavius' hands intertwined with Athena's and he kissed the top of her palm.

"Good morning" his voice was husky and it sent shivers down her spine.

Athena kissed her way down his jaw and neck before moving him over so that she could straddle him.

She placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"You're making it impossible for me to leave, you do understand that right?" Octavius groaned out when Athena started sucking and placed kisses along his collarbone.

"That's the plan" she smiled against his skin.

She pulled away and went to roll off of him but Octavius' finger tips dug into her naked hips causing her to cease her movements.

"My dear. It appears you've created a... problem. Are you going to deal with it?" Octavius let suggestiveness drip from his tone as Athena felt his member push on the inside of her thigh.

She smirked and started placing kisses down his abdomen, and placed a lasting kiss at the top of his V-line, smiling to herself when she heard Octavius draw a sharp intake of breath.

Octavius folded one of his arms behind his head while the other hand gripped her hair hard.

"Don't tease me, princess" he said sternly.

"Yes sir" she smiled cheekily and gave Octavius exactly what he wanted.

"Well if that's how I'll wake up every morning we should get married faster" Octavius breathed out and pulled Athena up away from his lower abdomen.

Athena smiled and ran her thumb across her bottom lip and settled straddling him again.

Octavius cupped the side of her neck, his thumb grazing her over cheek.

"I have to get ready to go" he frowned and kissed her nose.

Not giving Athena a chance to say anything he stood up and carefully placed her in front of him kissing her on the lips and walking out of the room.

Athena's heart dropped but it would only be a week. One week and he would be back and they would be married and off on their honeymoon.

Athena walked into the bathroom and grabbed her tooth brush and brushed her teeth and grabbed a pair of undergarments.

She walked into her closet and settled on grey blazer and the matching mini-skirt with a white lace bralette. She slipped on her white Louis Vuitton stilettos.

Walking out of her room she walked downstairs and into the kitchen where she found her father making a cup of coffee.

"Good morning darling" he smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Morning dad" she said and opened up the fridge and grabbed an apple piece out, munching on the contents.

Sooner or later Octavius and Maximus had descended the stairs with their suitcases, Octavius had been preoccupied on the phone giving stern orders.

He had completely ignored Athena and walked outside to his car.

"Excuse me. I'll go bid my goodbyes to my fiancé." Athena nodded and walked out of kitchen, her heels clicking against the marbled tiles and outside on the pavement.

Octavius saw Athena and mumbled a goodbye on the phone and chucked it in the car.

Octavius put the suitcase in the back of the car and slammed the door down and walked up to Athena pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"I'll be back within a week. And the next time you'll see me will be at the end of the alter. I promise" Octavius smiled to her and Athena nodded and kissed him with all of force she could muster.

With one last squeeze of Athena's hand, Octavius walked to the car and waited for his dad to walk outside so they could leave.

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