•number twelve•

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As soon as Athena's men started firing, Madrazo's men shot back as well, quickly losing all over their rounds.

Athena had left Octavius with Madrazo.

She walked through the chaos, firing at everyone she saw besides her men.

Once everyone was down, Athena turned around and smiled to Octavius who had Madrazo on his knees.

"You bitch you'll pay for this!" He screamed. Athena let out an airy laugh, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Aw baby. You screw me, I screw you back. I'm a lady like that" she smiled and approached him.

"Your death by me is inevitable. So say goodbye to everyone in your head. I have wedding planning to do" she said impatiently, resting her hands on her hips.

Suddenly, Athena felt a sharp, searing and burning pain shoot through her entire left arm.

"Mother fucker" she growled and turned around to one of Madrazo's men, who was on the ground, injured but not dead.

He had his gun raised at her, grasping onto the final moments of his life. She quickly contemplated letting him bleed out a slow and painful death but the pain in her arm told her other wise and she shot the fucked six times in the face. And one time in the dick.

For extra measures.

Her eyes travelled to the bullet hole that was in her jacket. She could see the crimson red of her blood around the fabric.

"Oh well. I'll live" she muttered.

She looked back to Madrazo. "One of your fuckers just shot me" she laughed, but there was no humour behind it. It was a cold, dead laugh.

Once she stopped laughing she glared at him.

"That's not very nice" she gritted.

Picking up the radio from Octavius waist band she dialled in on scarlets channel.

"Come pick up Madrazo and take him to the holding cell. Once I've left I want a few men to set up the detonators. Blow this bullshit of place up" she watched Madrazo's reaction.

He was clearly biting his tongue, outraged at the girls actions. Scarlet had walked over to Madrazo, cuffing him and removing all items from his pockets and dumped them on the floor.

All the while this was happening, Athena skipped towards the crate of cocaine and grabbed one brick.

She skipped back and handed it to Octavius.

"This shits pretty fucking good" she said.

Turning back to Madrazo, who was now on his own two feet she smiled at him, before kneeing him in his precious area.

"You're children are now retarded" she poked her tongue out at him, turning around and leaving him doubling over in pain.

Octavius smirked and walked out the door with her, his arm slinging over Athena's.

But she abruptly pushed him away.

"Can you like not. That fucking hurt. Asshole" she muttered cradling her injured arm.

"Oh shit. Forgot. Whoops" Octavius snickered.

"Whoops" Athena mocked him before sitting in the passenger seat of the car.

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