•number nine•

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*not edited

Athena's POV.

I've kissed many guys in the two and a bit decades I've been alive, but none of them were as enjoyable as the one I was currently experiencing.

His lips, oh god his lips. They were so soft, unlike anything I ever imagined.

There was no doubt Octavius had a physical attraction to him, the man was a walking sex god. But something else just drew me towards him and my body yearned for him.

Our lips moulded together in absolute bliss, the kiss was not forceful, it wasn't hungry, it was simply just a kiss, but with a deeper unknown meaning.

They say that all good times must end, and this was one of those times. We pulled away. It was only then that I had actually processed what had just happened.

Holy donkey balls. No fucking way. I just kissed my fake fiancé. AND I WANT TO DO IT AGAIN

The only reason the kiss stumped me so much was because this man was my childhood nemesis. He bullied me. He pulled my pigtails. He ripped the heads off of my barbies. But I wanted to kiss him again. Not only kiss him but do everything with him.

Okay Athena. Chill out. You will not have sex with your fake fiancé.

There was only one logical explanation. I had been drinking earlier, I'm a hormonal and emotional woman.

Secretly having an argument with myself in my head, I finally decided that the kiss was purely only a physical act that wouldn't happen again. It couldn't happen again.

I mean sure, this man would be bound to me by the law until I die but I didn't plan on actually becoming his wife in a deeper meaning kind of way.

I'm snapped away from my thoughts when Octavius tucks a rebellious strand her hair behind my hair, and suddenly I want to seduce him.

Maybe kissing him one more time won't hurt-

He starts leaning in again, and the thoughts of not kissing him again fly straight out of the window.

Just as our lips are about to connect, my phone starts ringing.

I silently thank the gods for giving me an excuse to stop myself.

I sit up and grab my phone looking at the caller ID.


"What the fuck could he possibly want" I question. I answer it and hold the phone up to my ear.

"What?" I say, not so politely. He was clearly interrupting.

There was a hiccup followed by a burp. I pulled the phone away from my ear and look at the caller ID again to see if I had accidentally read the name wrong.

Nope, it was still Bailey.

"Hello?" I say again, "Bailey?"

"Athena" he slurred out, I didn't know how it was possible but I could quite literally smell the alcohol on his breath through the phone, that how drunk I knew he was.

A drunk Bailey is a Bailey preferred dead.

"Why are you extremely intoxicated" she sighed, already knowing where this conversation was going.

"I don't know..." burp. "I fucked f-things up" he mispronounced words.

Since the dreadful split, Athena had experienced many phone calls of Bailey drunk, saying words she didn't even know existed, and begged her to come back.

"Yes bailey. You did. But that was months ago. I've moved on. And you should too. Goodbye." She says sternly.

"WAIT" Bailey half demands.

"Stop bothering me. Goodness me, Bailey. You are the one who broke up with me. You are the one who cheated. You are the one who initiated all of this and YOU are the one who left me heartbroken so don't call me up half drunk depressed anymore." I say, running out of breath.

I hear a sigh on the other end of the line and then a beep indicating that he hung up. Thank god.

I hop out of bed, my eyes glued to the phone.

I walk to exit Octavius' room when I hear a 'ahem' in his direction. I stand at the door and look up at him.

"Don't I get a goodnight kiss" he says smirking.

I feel my cheeks heat up and my stomach do a flip.

Why yes of course daddy. On my way.

"You already did" I match his smirk and wink at him before leaving his room and closing his door.

I finally let out a breath I wasn't aware that I was holding. A part of me screamed to go back in there, and just lay there with him because something felt so right about it.

I ignored that part of me and went into my room and laid down.

Oh god, spending the rest of my life with this man is going to be the death of me.


Hey guys. Short chapter. I wasn't exactly knowing what I was supposed to write so I just decided to give you a little bit of something to hang on to before shit takes a BIG turn. And I mean big.

'Til next time x

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