•number seven•

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Athena had found herself staring at old photos of bailey on her phone while taking rather large gulps of the straight rum bottle clasped in her hand.

although the altercation with Baily hurt her young heart deeply, she had to move on. no one forgets the feeling of their first love, because she almost swore to herself some part of her loved bailey and her intentions weren't to forget but to simply move on.

"and what do we have here"

Athena looked up to see Octavius leaning against the room that she had buried herself in.

"a 21 year old who's desperately trying to get fucked off her face" Athena muttered taking another long swig from the bottle, the familiar liquid burning its way down her throat, erupting warmth in the bottom of her stomach.

Octavius simply shook his head at the girls antics.

"okay so I know you got me this fake ass engagement ring for my birthday present but I want a baby hedgehog and I want to name it.. skittles? no.. WAIT, I got it. dildo!" she grinned.

Octavius lips turned up in amusement as he watched the child ponder hedgehog names.

he opened his mouth to say something when he was cut off.

"NO. Kawasaki. yes Kawasaki is what it shall be named" Athena said turning to Octavius.

she smiled and started skipping towards him.

"Octavius.." she dragged out. he hummed in response.

"get me a hedgehog. please. think of it as a pre-wedding gift" she smiled showing her pearly whites.

"yeah, no." he sighed.

"you cock-sucking son of a bitch, why not" she scolded. he chuckled and slung his arm over her shoulders and dragged her out of the room.

"you may be the leader of a mafia, but we all know that you would never be able to look after a living thing" Octavius said snatching the underproof rum from her and drinking it.

"well excuse you, I am an amazing parent, I got a moss ball when I was 10, I took great care of it if I do say so myself." Athena said snatching the drink back and shoving Octavius' arm off of her due to the fact he refused to get her a hedgehog named Kawasaki.

"last I check the you stomped on the thing accidently then proceeded to shoot it to, as I quote you when you were ten, 'put it out of its misery' then flush it down the toilet so it wasn't a nuisance" Octavius stated.

"okay, so maybe, just maybe, I wasn't the best parent, the stupid thing wouldn't even eat the fucking goldfish food I gave it. but at least it got a funeral" she pouted.

"you wrote on a piece of paper saying, 'stupid fucking moss ball' on it then burnt it and said 'goodbye I'll never think of you again'" he said chuckling at the memory.

Athena laughed remembering the times she was young and juvenile.

"spoke to that Bailey dude. Did not like him one fucking bit. all he did was ask questions. questions that should never be asked" he said shuddering at the stupid questions the sociopath inquired.

Athena frowned slightly. she didn't really want to talk about Bailey. especially to her fake fiancé.

"guess who rocked up to the party" Octavius said changing the subject. Athena nodded for him to continue.

"Jacobs. Noah, you know Britain's Mob boss" Octavius said.

Athena stopped dead in her track.

her calm and cooling state was replaced by rage.

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