Stuck in the Darkness

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(Part 3 we found a Note and there are some weird sounds coming from outside )

Almost everyone was asleep (again) but not X he was thinking about the challenge Before he could Continue Something or Someone Knocked on his Door.

X opens the door Pin was standing there "X we found a note in the kitchen and a pile of food!!" Pin said before she left.

X followed Behind Pin and went into the kitchen. They saw a pile of food and Next to it was a note they picks up the letter and starts to read it, it says:

"Hello, again X and the contestants if you are reading this you probably saw the large pile of food I left for all of you. That's good also there is some medicine and some first aid kits etc enjoy the gift if you're still reading this right now there will be monsters outside by midnight so when you hear sounds get ready to fight I put some weapons in the pile as well and also some armor for protection.

'How nice of that person' X thought they also told everyone what the note said everyone was listening to x until they heard some noise from outside "um what was that?" Loser said everyone got Quiet and they realized what those noises were. They started to get prepared they got some armor and some people had to stay back because they either had no arms or they were not that strong X went up to their room checked on four gave them a small hug (also a kiss on the forehead) and left to fight the monsters.

This is kinda short but I hope you like this part anyways see you in the next chapter Word Count:293

~Stuck in the darkness~ A BFB FanficWhere stories live. Discover now