Stuck in the Darkness (part 9 A Tengolf Chapter this time a date gone wrong)

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ever since the challenge has started GB and TB have been working on some new inventions and they have been very successful so far. they have a platonic relationship but that's not true they love each other but they hide it from everyone because they don't want people bugging them about it. anyways golf ball and tennis ball  are watching a movie together (i bet you can't guess what their watching)  ~after finishing the movie~ "hey tennisball" golfball said "what is it?" tennisball replied "how about we go outside to see the sunset" golfball said "it's night time golfball" tennisball replied "whatever do wanna to go or not?"  golfball asked "okay sure". golfball and tennisball went outside turns out they made a big mistake as soon as they walked out they were attacked by some monster their loud screams alerted some of the contestants and they both got saved  but they were badly hurt so they had to be treated immediately they realized that they should've known not to go outside they forgot that there's no stars or sunset  they realized how dumb of idea that was they spent the whole night (they know it's night because of the clock they have read previous chapter about the sky and time to know more) watching youtube videos together until they fell asleep and so did everyone else. 

Well okay I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter also I Will be updating more often bye now 


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