AllMight my ass

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disclaimer I will use profanity in this if you're not ok with that read one of my or other author's books that don't; if you don't like ships or the story don't complain to me I write this because I want to just leave.

Deku's POV

I wake up my vision is still a bit blurry from sleep so I rub my eyes and look at one of my many AllMight posters, I brush my teeth, eat breakfast and head to school to get beat up by Kaachan yet again but hey only a couple weeks left till hell is over. "Hey Deku!" I hear the one the only Katsuki Bakugou yell at me his insult which simply means 'Useless' why because me Izuku Midoriya Am part of the 20% of people who are quirkless. "y-yes Ka-Kaachan?" I say like the kind soul I am hoping for a free pass... nope "Deku what will it be today?" Kaachan said hence I ran to class and to my surprise he didn't chase me or attack me when he walked into the classroom after about 15 minutes our home room teacher walked in and started the lesson. the teacher started to talk while holding papers " the school wants me to hand out these job tests for your future... but you all want to be hero's don't you?!" that was proceeded by the class showing off their quirks until Kaachan interrupted "don't group me in with those extras teach I'm the only one from this shit hole of a school who's going to be a pro!" " oh yeah you're applying to UA Bakugou right?" said the teacher then the teacher got a smirk on his face "Midoriya you're applying to UA too aren't you?" he said "YOU'RE DOING WHAT DEKU!" yelled Kaachan "w-w-well I was going to apply for the general studies or support classes to h-help you become even better" I quickly stammered out "good because you're worse than these extras your a useless quirkless Deku. school went by without any trouble next thing I know I'm on a roof looking at the frail old man I now know is AllMight "WAIT! can someone like me someone quirkless become a hero?" I said I should have known the answer " honestly?... no I don't think someone quirkless can be a hero I'm the symbol of peace and I have 1 lung and half  a stomach so no. dreams are good young man but keep them as dreams be more realistic with your career like a cop or store clerk" with that the frail man walked out I saw the explosion and the slime that had Kaachan in it but I just walked until my phone rang I picked it up.


?: hello is this Izuku Midoriya?

me: yeah who is this?

? this is Investigator Tsukauchi I'm calling you to inform you that your mother died while a hero was fighting a villain I'm sorry for your loss-

I shut down the call I was devastated so I went to where I remember seeing my dad last it was an empty part of town no one was ever their so I went here to blow off steam when Kaachan was infuriating. I was throwing rubble from broken down buildings and punching walls till my knuckles were too bloody. "mmm what smells nice out here?" said a girl? " who are you?!" I asked as I turned around to see a blond girl with two messy buns who seemed about my age to be honest she seemed pre- "ow the fuck!" I couldn't move she was holding me tight with her arms while she bit into my shoulder and suck my blood then she stopped "so why do you come to this part of town?" she asked like sucking someone's blood was normal "I'm either angry or sad; right now because I have no where else to go." I replied for some reason then she let go but I stayed still "what happened?" she asked " why would you care? I'm just a quirkless nobody" I said " hey don't say that at least you don't have a villainous quirk like mine." she said that then I saw black I had blacked out. all I could think of was what AllMight said... AllMight? right? AllMight my ass...

713 word biches first story written properly like this if you didn't know. so should Izuku join the league straight away or should they torture him to join anyway Ima end the chapter here peace out my pentagrams ✌ 

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