a friend

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Izuku's POV

I woke up in a dark room when I tried to get up I felt cold steel holding me down by the wrists then someone spoke it was a deep male voice "don't struggle it's useless" the voice said my eye's started to adjust to the darkness and I could see that the man seemed to be made up of mist "w-why a-am I here?" I stuttered out "My master has a use for you" the mist said then I felt a needle enter my arm after about a minute it was replaced by another then I fell unconscious when I woke up I wasn't tied up at all when I looked at my surroundings I was in the trash ridden beach near where I used to live; I started to walk around for a while until I bumped into someone "oh sorry I wasn't watching where I was going sorry" I said to the person I had bumped into had half red half white hair "it's fine I wasn't watching where I was going either my name is Shouto Todoroki by the way." the boy said "mines Izuku Midoriya nice to meet you Todoroki" I replied we started to walk and talk with each other then the conversation of quirks came up "so what's your quirk Todoroki?" I asked "my quirk is half hot half cold my right side can make ice while my left can make fire but I never use my fire; what's your quirk Midoriya?" he replied "umm well... the thing is I'm quirkless" I said waiting for the abandonment that everyone else has done to me "that's sounds like a peaceful life to me I've been training since I was 6 it's been hell" he said "well most people don't see it that way I go-" I was cut off by the banshee himself "HEY DEKU WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" my childhood 'friend' yelled at me "just fuck off Katsuki" I said which caught him off guard " who's this Midoriya?" Todoroki asked me with good reasoning "this is Katsuki Bakugou my childhood 'friend'" I replied to Todoroki "Deku you missed Auntie Inko's funeral.. why?" Katsuki asked me with good reason " no one contacted me" I simply replied which was true I had my phone on me and no one called me then he said something and did something I was shocked by he hugged me "my mom wants you to live with us so your not on the street and so you can become a hero like you want" he said this I could here the tiers he was trying to hold back "ok I'll meet you there I'm hanging out with Todoroki right now ok?" I said "ok I'll let my mom know see ya Izuku" he replied to me I didn't show it but I was happy we were on our way to being friends again. after about an hour more of walking and talking I left for Aunt  Mitsuki's house when I knocked on the door aunt Mitsuki hugged me and brought me into the house she sent me up to Katsuki's room everything was nice after a week of getting adjusted I started going back to school. everyone was nice to me it was off then when I went to the washroom I looked in the mirror and saw that one of my eyes was pitch black so I ran to Katsuki and he yelled out of shock "Izuku you have quirk!" I guess it was hard to see that eye for the past week because I let my hair hang over it the next morning aunt Mitsuki brought me to the quirk doctor and he did some tests on me. my quirk allows me to use the quirk of anyone I copy the eye of I just need to know what their eye's look like the doctor said that if I were to train it enough I could probably do the same thing with my other eye so I could use 2 quirks after about half an hour of thinking I decided to name my quirk 'Quirkless'. 

my school board is on strike today so I got a chance to finsih this earlier than I probably would have other wise so.. yeah 

Peace out Pentagrams ✌

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