New students

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Aizawa's POV

it's been 2 months since the last time I've visited Izuku and his friend; today I have to introduce 3 new students to my problem children called class 1-A I'm currently going over their files.

Izuku ??? quirk 'Quirkless' allows him to have the quirk of anyone he knows the eye of draw backs are that when he has quirk dampening restraints on he starts to forget.

Himiko Toga quirk 'Transform' allows her to transform into anyone she drinks the blood of draw backs non side notes her quirk doesn't give her a physical advantage so she uses knives to fight.

'Dabi' quirk 'Cremation' allows him to produce very hot flames draw backs if he over does his flames he himself will get used as the fuel for the flames hence why he has skin stapled to himself.

after about another half hour my class started to flood into my classroom and I started the class at 9:15 "ok we have 3 new students joining us today be kind to them... that means you Bakugou" I said to my class then the three of them walked in "Hi I'm Himiko Toga my quirk is 'Transform' it-" Toga stopped speaking when Izuku whispered something to her "oh sorry Mr. Eraser" she said "would you two introduce yourselves as well?" I said to Dabi and Izuku "yo I go by Dabi my quirk is similar to Endeavors" Dabi said introducing himself then Izuku whisperer to Toga again and she introduced him "this quiet guy here is Izuku he doesn't have a last name his quirk is called 'Quirkless' he can copy anyone's quirk that he knows the eyes of ." the class started freaking out and I really just got into my sleeping bag and slept when I woke up I saw Izuku in a similar bag to mine in his desk Toga hugging him while her and Dabi were talking to the class. "Izu are you going to speak at all or are you just going to listen?" Toga asked Izuku then he spoke up "fine I'll talk" he said his voice was cold and somewhat robotic "what's with the scar on your neck?" Kirishima asked "Tenko" was all he said.

Toga's POV

Izuku really doesn't like talking about the LoV and his family; I hugged Izuku tighter he seemed to cuddle up closer to me as well. "who's that Deku?" Bakubitch asked "non of your business" I answer for Izuku "don'" Izuku added "hey Izuku what's up with your voice?" Mina asked "half of my voice box is missing so I have a robotic one with it" he answered then AllMight came in to teach "I AM HERE" he said "do I have to be in the assholes class?" Izuku asked getting gasps from everyone "WHY YOUNG MIDORIYA THIS WILL TEACH YOU TO FIGHT WITH YOUR QUIRK" AllMight said "I'm not a Midoriya Yagi" Izuku responded we all looked at him confused "that's AllMight's real name Yagi Toshinori" he stated "NOW LET'S START THE TRAINING"  AllMight said so we all got to the change rooms and got into our costumes mine was just a fixed up version of my old one, Dabi's was the same with some support gear and Izuku's didn't change at all it was the same dress shirt with black vest that he had before with a LOT of hidden weapons.

3rd person POV 

AllMight told the three new students to fight each other with their quirks so he could see what to work on with them. everyone watched as Toga and Dabi got ready to attack Izuku together when they looked at Izuku he was rolling up his selves and straightening his outfit AllMight then boomed a go. Toga and Dabi rushed at Izuku Toga with her knife and Dabi with his flames when everyone looked at Izuku he was standing behind them untouched then Toga went to stab him again missing as Izuku dodged again only to be engulfed in Dabi's flames when everyone looked at where Izuku was he was gone "making me use my quirk are you Dabi?" Izuku said alarming the scared teen who was knocked out by Izuku kicking him in the head then Toga tackled and restrained Izuku "got cha" Toga said to Izuku as she lightly cut him and consumed a bit of his blood only to transform into Dabi "wha-" Toga was cut off by Izuku throwing her across the area knocking her unconscious. "Young Izuku I can't asses your quirk if you don't show me it" AllMight told Izuku "what would you care..." Izuku responded "why would I not care!?" Allmight said sounding confused "rooftop last year you just captured a sludge villain" Izuku said AllMight just looked confused then Izuku fell to the ground holding his head muttering nonsense when Aizawa walked in he ran to Izuku hugging him after everyone left Izuku fell asleep in Aizawa's arms Aizawa kept Izuku with him for the rest of the day.

Aizawa's POV

Izuku has started to suffer split personality disorder half of him remembers who he is and his quirk is telling the other half that person never existed that plus he's lost who he is only referring to himself as Izuku and chooses to not use his quirk unless he needs to, to survive and hides the use of it when he does use it in addition he has a robotic voice box support due to when we found him after his escape we found half his voice box was gone his only response when asked about it is a first name 'Tenko' when we ran over people with that name all of them were either quirkless, dead or somewhere else in the world the other two don't know who Tenko is either meaning Izuku knows more than anyone else about the LoV and he doesn't want to remember. I care about this kid but I don't know how to help him and save him from himself...

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