Chapter 6

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Grabbing the end of a roll of decorating tissue, I trotted towards the end of the hallway, passing it to the teenager to tack up while the person on the other end secured their piece. A balloon bounced into sight, with a pup in hot pursuit. Her attempt to bite it sent it rolling away again.

Sorrin had mindlinked his father last night to say he should be arriving today some time. The announcement had the pack eagerly preparing a welcome party. The smell of flowers drifted throughout the house, courtesy of the numerous vases scattered throughout the family areas, mostly on end tables. Even now, the faint aroma of a fancy meal could be detected.

I ambled down the hall to see what else I could help with. Mary walked the other way, her arms full of boxes. Seeing her reminded me of Anabel, and I was looking forward to their next visit in six months. They had made it safely back to their pack several days ago.


I paused, looking behind me and spotted a woman in a kitchen apron waving at me.


"Can you please come chase a mouse out from under the counter? We really don't want it in the kitchen, and it's behind the divider, so a broom won't work."


My hunting instincts were about as honed as my ability to run, so the mouse was bound to escape my attempts and get shooed out the kitchen's back door.

The activity around us didn't cease as I followed her back to the kitchen. She pointed to a corner. "It's under there."

Of course, it had to be one of the smaller spaces. I was crawling more than I was walking as I tried to locate the little critter hidden behind one of the wooden support beams. My back foot purposefully kicked half of an eggshell out onto the open floor.

"Sorry, Julie, but that's not the mouse I was looking for."

"The next time the guys get into an argument over who's the strongest, they have to prove it by lifting up these counters so we can clean under here. I have a sneaking suspicion that these raisins weren't like this when they originally rolled under here."

My ears swivelled forward as I heard a faint scratching noise. Quickly shuffling closer, I peeked around a support bar and spotted the tiny creature. The mouse saw me at the same time and bolted.

"It's coming!" I warned them.

"Hold the cardboard steady. We don't want it to sneak under it and get away. Ah, there we go. It's outside where it belongs."

That was my cue to come out. The dust behind me was stirred up, so I went forward and emerged from under the counter. I courteously went outside the open door and promptly shook my fur as hard as I could. The faint cloud that appeared convinced me to keep an ear peeled for the next bragging competition, although moving the counter could be a group effort.

A voice called out across the main packlink, "Sorrin is at the border."

Excitement increased from so many minds that I actually raised my mindshield slightly.

The woman behind me stated, "Well, we got that mouse out just in time. They won't take long to get here from the border, let's go wait outside for them."

My toenails clicked against the tile flooring as I made a beeline across the kitchen, somehow beating the others to the hallway door. I slowed down as I approached the front door, which was packed with people. One of the Omegas appeared from behind me and picked me up, lest I be inadvertently stepped on.

The shuffle through the doorway and out onto the porch seemed to take forever. Then began the waiting.

"Can you tell how far out he is?" I asked the Omega holding me.

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