Chapter 15

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Today was much like yesterday, and the ferals loped through the forest at a relentless pace, only pausing every few hours for a quick drink or to water a tree.

The group stopped beside another creek for a quick drink, and Brunette put me down. I got my drink and edged around a dappled grey feral before ducking inside some shrubs to relieve myself. A faint snort made me look back to see Brunette standing behind the bush, keeping an eye on me. The grey wolf gave me a cursory glance but seemed more interested in the stream.

The grey wolf lifted her head, then jumped into the creek and plunged her head into the water, surfacing with a fish thrashing in her jaws. The disturbance seemed to intrigue the others, and they also began fishing. Even Brunette went to join them. I could understand her wanting a second meal since she had mostly ignored the deer, but I failed to see where the other wolves were planning on putting this food.

I sniffed the trampled grass by my feet. There was a faint scent that I didn't think was from the ferals. Following my nose, I wandered upstream, wondering how far Brunette would let me go if she was set on eating. I slowly ambled along the edge of the creek, ensuring I wasn't close enough to tumble down the bank.

A few hairs and the scent of a wolf lingered on the thorns of a rosebush. I was probably the worst tracker in the world, but even I knew that the scent was days old. That was a disappointment, but at least I knew that there were other werewolves around. I would have to remember to check the wind frequently in case we got close to a pack border.

I hadn't gone far, but I peeked behind me to see if I'd been missed yet. Brunette was sitting at the edge of the creek and chewing on a fish with her eyes locked on me. I eased past the rosebush, wondering how far I would get before she would come after me.

From above, a black and white bird scolded me as I picked my way through the foliage. I spotted a berry bush whose berries I recognized, and I trotted over with a wagging tail, my mouth watering in anticipation of the sweet fruit. The squawking bird went ballistic as I got closer.

A glimpse of black and white from the other side made me duck down as a second bird dive-bombed me, adding its chatter to the ruckus. I scurried to the side as the first one dove down as well. Both birds doubled their efforts as I got closer to the shelter of the berry bush.

The sharp jolt of having a tuft of fur plucked off my back made me squeak, trip, and roll over – which gave me an excellent view of a large brown shadow launching over me to snap at the bird's tail feathers.

My two assailants quickly took refuge higher in the treetops as Brunette paced back and forth, waiting for them to make the mistake of coming back down. A real shadow was cast over me, this time from the black wolf, who was also eyeing up the birds.

I rolled over and stood up somewhat uneasily, tweaking part of my aura to something calming. The black wolf turned his attention to me and sniffed my fur several times before giving the sore spot a small lick. I nuzzled his snout, trying to charm the large wolf who could probably swallow me whole if he tried.

It seemed to work; he nudged me lightly before lifting his head as Brunette came over. She paused when she was in front of him, and they stared at each other for a long moment. The light thumping of my wagging tail made her look down and then sniff my fur as she checked me over.

The black wolf turned and went back the way he had come. Brunette glanced after him and then picked me up and followed. As I swung from her jaws, I saw one of the birds fly into the berry bush and hop into a large pile of sticks in the middle that I now recognized as a nest. No wonder they had been so upset when I had gone closer.

The pack resumed their journey, still with no apparent destination.



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