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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

The Death Star is no more, a cleverly hidden flaw allowed the Rebels to win!

Wounded in the depths of his soul, the Empire tried to recover from the defeat inflicted by the Rebels and the loss of a valuable man, the Great Moff Tarkin.

Meanwhile the heroes of the Rebellion, confident and exalted by their victory, are preparing for an imperial retaliation.

In the shadows, the Empire foments its revenge against those who dared to stand up against the Emperor Palpatine and the powerful Lord Vader....

Author's note : I decided to translate my french fiction into english fiction. First because I love english and secondly because I wanted my english fellows to discover my writing.  I hope my English will be readable and enjoyable for you. Feel free to tell me if anything bothers you.

A.H A Star Wars story (English version)©Where stories live. Discover now