(Ep 1) (Pt 4) It's...

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She was aghast, so much she remained silent for about 4 seconds. Elle then turned around to her little friends.

"Ok, buddies, I'm going to Mars. Anything you want to say before I go?", she asked.

"I do. You don't have to be rushed, just enjoy yourself. And if someone spots you, just keep flying, and you'll be fine", a gold-ish yellow camel insisted.

The camel was laying down on a pillow with a mellow look on his face. His beady ebony eyes and his smiling mouth looked calming. His feet were purple-ish indigo on the bottoms and green around the top of them. The inside of his ears were purple and his mohawk-like mane was dark blue just like the end of his tail. His one hump was indigo with a green line around it, on the hump itself was white stars big and small. His voice is young and gentle with an Egyptian accent. His name is Miguel Camel-ot.

"Thanks, dude, I'll be right back", Elle told them before almost opening the window.

"Wait!", cried the voices of the Helpfuls, "Can we come with you?".

"Oh, alright", Elle replied, "Hold on tight on the fro though."

Both hand aliens hopped to her feet up to her hands, up to shoulders, then up onto her afro. When they made it there, they held on quickly.

"Ok, bye!", Elle called out then opened the window.

She levitated herself out through the window not too fast nor too slow. At this point, she was in her room again then she opened her room window and zoomed outside with full speed. When she reached the line between the Earth's hemisphere and space, she slowed down her flight speed remembering what Miguel told her. In space she was passing the Earth's moon while looking at the stars. Quickly, she looked in front of her again seeing Mars coming closer. She zooms into Mars' tanned-orange atmosphere and gazes at the terrains below her. It was mostly empty, open, wide, not the Mars she saw. But then she remembered what the Blue diamond told her when she was three. That towns and cities were hidden underground and only shown above ground when absolutely necessary. The Martians knew Elle so they should reveal themselves.
The dusty rough ground began to rumble a little, not enough to be a Mars-quake. Some fractures of the ground rose smoothly. They looked like rising landforms from Elle's angle  but they were actually the buildings of the Martian people. She noticed that they were buildings when she flew a little lower. Quickly she looked in front of her again spotting a familiar building. It was a slender, crystalline, and of course, alien-like. On top of it all was a large, flat, shiny disc with a sharp-ended pole in the midst of it. Elle landed on top of the disc and went towards the thick spike in front of her. When she stepped on a pad on the floor, a doorway opened in front of her. The girl stepped inside still in awe of the tower she hasn't seen in 3 1/2 years.

I forgot how huge and shiny it is, Elle thought.

Inside was a little dimmer than the outside, perfect for Elle's eyes to handle. There was an office in front of her, an orange-ish white roundtable, chairs, and the cupboards on the sides of the table. Sitting on the chair behind the table was none other than the Blue Diamond himself.

"Perfect, you're here!", he called out.

He zoomed towards Elle with an enthusiastic smile.

"Blue Diamond", Elle replied "I can't believe this is happening".

"Believe it, little one, you will surely help a lot of people, along with others of course", the diamond encouraged.

He then floated towards a skinnier pole that wasn't too skinny but as thick as an elevator. In fact it is a elevator. After the code was typed in by the diamond, the doorway opened and both him and Elle stepped in.

SuperElle (Season 1) (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now