(Ep 2) (pt 4): The Snake's Lair

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Dark, empty, spacious, and quiet, those were the words to describe the Crossroads mall at this time. SuperElle wasn't used to the mall like this. She was used to people walking up & down, left & right, with bright lights, especially some that irritated her eyes, and the sounds of neverending footsteps, conversations, and other mall things. Although there were no bright lights to bother her, she still felt suspicious. She now knew the meaning of too quiet. Her large feet didn't even make a sound, her feet hardly made sounds unless she hit something or stomped them really hard. The Helpful Handies' fingers walking on the polished floor kind of helped the place not be totally silent. They all looked around, all the stores were guarded with bars like they were in jail. The only lights they could depend on was the stars and the moonlight that shown through the large ceiling windows above. It felt like several minutes to them. They couldn't find anymore clues besides SuperElle's feeling. Finally they saw something. Every single store was caged up...except one: The Jewelry Store. It's cage looked like it's been opened and bent outwards or exploded. SuperElle decided to walk in there even if it looked awfully suspicious. The glass boxes filled with shiny jewelry were all untouched.

At least no one stole any jewelry, SuperElle thought as she kept sneaking.

Besides the open cage being strange, there was also a camera in a corner that seemed to be staring at her. Shocked, the girl stared back at the camera. She took a step forward, the camera followed her eyes.

"Guys!", SuperElle whispered. "Someone's watching us!".

"Me and Trixie'll go check the cameras, you can keep looking for more clues", Dandy whispered.

SuperElle nodded then the Helpful Handies went to find the security camera room.

"I just still can't believe it!", the hero girl quietly shouted with joy. "My first mission, trying to find out what the aliens are up to. Hopefully not for stealing jewels".

The cameras followed SuperElle's movements. The Helpful Handies must already be at the camera room. The speakers of the mall shrieked a quiet feedback sound before a voice came out of them.

It was Dandy's voice whispering "Elle! Can you be just a little more quieter?".

"Oops, sorry", SuperElle replied more quietly.

As she looked around, she felt like she was in an action spy movie. She even hummed the Mission Impossible theme while moving around.

"Elle! Shh!", Trixie warned from the speakers.

"Sorry, again. Just excited...& nervous", SuperElle quietly confessed.

She took a couple steps forward as if someone was pulling her towards something with an invisible string. That's when she saw it. Something ginormous, roundish, and scaly. It was about 9 feet tall, with shininess that shown it's brown & tan colors.

"Wooooooow!", SuperElle exclaimed.

"SHH!", both Helpfuls shushed.

"Ok, I'm staying quiet now", SuperElle whispered.

The giant scaly thing started to move, it moved backwards into the darkness as if it was startled. SuperElle looked closely to what the source of it might be. She stayed silent in fear of something or someone hearing her. Giant slithering she heard and quiet hissing coming closer. The end of the tail was shown in the light. It was feeling around as if for anything strange. SuperElle backed up trying to keep her panic inside. The tail twirled around her and grabbed her with a quick motion.

She shrieked and then cried "Help! Help! Somebody! Helpfuls!? Where are you!? I need you!".

Squirming like a worm, she couldn't get out of the rising snake tail's grasp. It rose her up, up, up to the source, the one who was holding her. The creature let out a chuckle as he finally leveled SuperElle's gaze to his. His yellow eyes popped open at the sight of the little girl that he wrapped his tail around.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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