(Ep 1) (Pt 5) End of Pilot & Ending Cutscene

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The trio were getting closer to the Earth's atmosphere.
As they were reaching it, SuperElle asked the Helpfuls "You have the clothes and the  alarm, right?".

The hand aliens replied "Yep! We're holdin' them!".

"Good", the hero girl added.

She kept on zooming, she arrived within the Earth's atmosphere without burning a bit. She even spiraled as she flew down totally forgetting that hand aliens were even on her.
When she did hear their screams as she spun she said "Sorry, guys!", then flew full speed ahead without spinning.

Back in Elle's room was her chosen stuffed animals were waiting, patiently as they could for SuperElle & the two Helpfuls. Piggy was tapping her foot, Old Man Mcturtleton was sleepily rocking himself on his shell, Blubby Octopus putting his two top tentacles under his large blue head with eyes sparkling like a child's. They all sat and watched the window in front of them. The sky, dark blue and clear it was with stars shining like diamonds. One star though seemed to be coming closer.

"Is that a shooting star?", Old Man Mcturtleton questioned.

"If so, make a wish, everybody", Piggy Hoovey stated.

"Wait a minute", Miguel Camel-ot squinted at the incoming sparkling figure. "That's not a star, it's Elle and the Helpfuls!".

"Hit the deck!", Sammy Vulture demanded.

Everyone ducked their heads except Old Man Mcturtleton just popped his arms, legs, and head into his shell. Outside the window, the Helpfuls handed the alarm and clothes-holding orb to the hero girl and opened the window. SuperElle leaped inside her room swiftly as Dandy & Trixie closed the window behind them quickly. Some wind still flowed through the young girl's cape making her look stunning. Old Man Mcturtleton popped out of his shell and his jaw dropped. The stuffed animals gazed at her silently in awe of her super-suit.

"🎵Tada!🎵", SuperElle and the Helpfuls sang in unison.

"Oh my goodness!" Sammy Vulture exclaimed, "You look amazing, Elle-Belly!".

They suddenly brought up many positive side comments amongst each other.

"In this suit, I'm SuperElle!", Elle shouted proudly.

"WOW!", the animals exclaimed.

"Well, ladies & gentlemen, I think we're in the presence of a new hero", Sammy Vulture stated.

"Yep that's me in heroic glory!", SuperElle added.

"Well since there isn't any crimes tonight, how do you take the suit off?", Blubby Octopus asked.

"I don't know", the young hero replied. I haven't even thought of that, how could I not?, she thought.

"Maybe you could reverse the spell by doing the rules backwards", Dandy Helpful suggested.

"Maybe?", SuperElle replied a little unsure what Dandy meant.

"Dandy means maybe clap twice first then spin your wrists", Trixie Helpful explained.

"Oh", the hero girl replied dumbfounded.

She did as told. Clapped twice first then spun her wrists till they glowed light blue. The brightness, sparkles, cool colors, and magic came rushing out of her circle-shaped element like a hurricane. Unlike last time, the powers started from her feet all the way up to her mask. It felt quicker than the transformation from Elle to SuperElle by a couple of seconds but it still felt good like cuddling puppies and kittens. The magic was so bright, she had to shut her eyes tight shut until it faded away. Although she was sensitive to bright light, she still smiled at the magic she did. When the powers carried her super-suit and dropped it in between Elle and the chosen ones, Elle finally opened her dark brown eyes. Everyone was shocked to see her suit right in between them, on the floor. Piggy Hoovey decided to pick it up and hand it to Elle.
Then the girl held the suit, gave it to the Helpfuls and instructed "Please, bring this somewhere safe in our lair, maybe in the conference room."

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