(Ep 2) (pt 3): Big Problem in Little City

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"Now where is the danger?", SuperElle asked as she was soaring above her sleepy hometown.

"Nothing here it seems", Dandy replied.

"Maybe it's by the big city", Trixie suggested.

SuperElle knew what city she meant. It was right next door to her hometown and she knew the way to go to it.

"Let's go check it", SuperElle quietly announced.

Still holding onto the Helpful Handies, the hero girl flew a little faster to reach the city. Over the highways that looked like long dark rivers and over the never-ending plains.

"Goodbye, watertower", SuperElle whispered as her town and it's watertower became smaller and smaller as she went farther and farther.

Over several signs, countrysides, creameries that look like they're in the middle of nowhere. Then below her, she found something familiar. The bridge over the Mississippi river really gave it away.

Out loud, the young girl called out "M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I!", as she flew over the bridge.

The buildings were definitely familiar to her. The dark alleys, the many parking lots filled with cars, the many restaurants, the city hall watching over the city. The theaters, cafes, art stores, and furniture stores. This was definitely the big city. Only a few lights shown from the city below, from either some lit up windows or from car lights. It looked as dark and sparkling as the sky above her was. She kept going a little farther because she couldn't see anything unusual in the city. She flew past the city and over another countryside, it seemed more spacious than the one between the city & her hometown. The night sky was more clearer than before. Everything looked clear to her, nothing out of the ordinary. Until she bumped into something in front of her. It caused her to spiral down onto the ground.

"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!", the Helpful Handies cried.

"Mayday! Maydaayyy!", SuperElle called out as she flew down, down, down.

She landed on the ground headfirst and her giant afro cushioned her head from being injured. The rest of her body then flopped onto the flat grassy terrain. With a groan, she lifted her head then lifted herself up carefully because she was dizzy from the spiraling. Like a cartoon, birds were spinning round and round SuperElle's head as her eyeballs spun every which way.

Politely, she shooed them off while saying "Shoo, birds, shoo".

The birds tweeted goodbye and soared into the night sky. She gazed up at the giant dark figure she bumped herself on. It was humongous and metallic. The moonlight was a spotlight for the figure to show off its shine. It looked like no plane or rocket ship she's ever seen. It didn't even look like a common Martian UFO. It was more immense and more complex in both technology and shape design. She noticed the little cameras in front of the spacecraft and she just stared at them. Thinking that if they moved a bit she could run or fly away from its sight. But the cameras didn't move, they were as still as the rest of the spaceship.

"Wow, what a spaceship!", Dandy exclaimed.

"I've never seen anything like this", Trixie added.

"This is truely outta this world, and the Solar System", SuperElle commented. "Let's go check it out."

First, they walked around it, checking to see if there was a door opened with a ramp like most spaceships have. Everything was just shiny yet dark, it looked like it had no windows or doors. She knew it had some but it all looked too dark. Suddenly after about 9 big, slow steps, she spotted something unusual on the ground. A dried up skinny, shallow river it looked like. It looked more like giant snake track that dug deep into the ground when she looked closer.

Did the aliens make that?, SuperElle asked herself in her mind. "Let's follow it", she whispered.

The young heroine-in-training knelt down and picked up her trusty hand aliens back in her grasps. Then she flew while following the strange large trail. She knew it was below her as she kept looking straight ahead. The countryside was behind her now as the trial lead to back to the big city. When they reached the streets, the tracks stopped or they were nowhere else to be found except behind them, like it cut off. The Helpful Handies hopped off of SuperElle's hands and scanned the ground.

"Do you think trail continues here?", Dandy asked.

"I think so", Trixie replied.

"I can sense it", SuperElle muttered, "I sense it real good. Follow me-too actually, get back up here".

She held out her hands & let the hand aliens hop onto them. She held on tight to them as she flew through the streets. It was mostly through the giant highways. She was so concerned about being drawn to the trail that she didn't notice the couple of broken, crashed cars in the ditches. Soaring and soaring, SuperElle kept on going until she bumped into another thing. At least she luckily landed on her feet this time. The Helpful Handies hopped off her hands again. She let out a quiet groan as she rubbed her head.

I really need to watch where I'm flying at, SuperElle thought.

"Where are we?" Dandy questioned.

The young hero girl looked up at the large building that stood in front of them. It had large fancy, cursive writing above the doors and windows. Tall as a skyscraper it was connecting with more shorter and other tall buildings like a chain. Crossroads Mall it read with it's weird curvy logo on top of the words that looked like a fancy "C" to them. The doors inside looked untouched, when SuperElle grabbed a doorknob, it was cold as the night. When she turned it, it was locked.

How late is it?, SuperElle asked herself.

"Aw, man!", Dandy groaned.

"Have you guys got a key or a pin to unlock this?", Trixie asked.

That's when it struck the afro girl that sometimes her mom puts pins in her hair to keep it out of her face. Sometimes she even forgot they were even on her hair, but she checked just in case. Like finding a needle in a curly haystack, she felt around for anything that didn't feel like her own afro. Then she felt it, something skinny & small, a bit bumpy on one side and totally smooth on the other.

Yes, a pin!, she thought as she carefully pulled it out trying not to hurt herself.

Looking at the locks on the doors, she thought...she was screwed. She didn't really know how to unlock things besides things that aren't locks or things that needed something typed in. She quickly remembered how spies in movies do it, and how her own family grown-ups do it. She didn't hesitate, she stuck the pin inside the first lock on the eught knob. She wiggled and jiggled it, then created a loud snap. Then she stuck the pin in the left lock. Wiggled and jiggled it like the other one and it made the same snapping noise.

"Elle, I can't believe it, you did it!", Trixie shouted quietly.

"I know it seems like a burglary but we're doing this for a good purpose", Dandy told SuperElle.

"Good point", she replied when she opened the door and entered the mall.

We're doing a good thing, SuperElle thought, We're trying to protect the Earth.

The Helpful Handies stood on their fingers and speed ran following SuperElle through the dark halls of the closed mall.

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