(Ep 2) (Pt 1) Beginning Cutscene

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Floating in the Solar System was an enormous UFO like no other, well not from the Solar System that is. It's scanning cameras in front of it were gazing at Mars like eagle eyes. Within the spacecraft were two aliens, one was 6 feet and 7 inches tall, the other was 300 feet and 6 inches tall. They didn't really look like aliens, they looked more like abnormally giant snakes. The smaller one was the one steering the spacecraft, the larger one just stood there, frustrated and impatient. The driver was a green viper girl with two dark green, flat scales on her head that looked like a short hairstyle. Her yellow eyes shielded with clear goggles looked sincere. The watcher was dark brown, with a sand-colored belly, his hood and his head hung low. His yellow-orange eyes glared at outer space in front of them. He had a golden crown on his head, its five spikes each had a hole, big enough to fit giant gems inside, but they were empty.

The king cobra spoke "Are you sure you ssenssed them in the SSolar SSystem?".

"I'm sure, your hignessss", the viper assured "there iss a great chancce for a colony and richess for your-".

"You keep ssaying that", the giant cobra snarled in disbelief, "but we're going sso sssslow."

"The SSolar SSystem hass ssmaller planetss sso pleasse try to be patient, my king", the viper spoke fearfully.

"Jusst keep going, Viperene, my future colony issn't gonna find itsself", the king cobra demanded.

Viperene the viper drove past Mars and was on the way to the next planet.

"Next up, iss the one, the only, Earth", Viperene informed.

Instantly, the cobra's eyes widened and lit up.

"Earth? The Earth like ssome of the legendss?", he asked.

"Yep", the viper replied, "it's filled with water, climatess such as foressts, desertss, arcticss, rainforessts, etcetera, etcetera. They have animalss including primitive, miniature versionss of uss, and iss dominated by humans-"

Holographic pictures appeared on the window as she explained the things Earth had.

"Humans", the giant cobra muttered amazed "I've heard many legendss of them from other planetss and my own explorerss, thiss iss incredible!".

"I'm happy that I pleased you, my king, because it getss better.", Viperene explained with a little smile. "They've really advancced in technology but not enough to get through uss of coarsse, and they sometimes collect large gemss. Maybe even ssome to fit on your radiant crown."

"Finally, another perfect colony, maybe my most perfect colony yet. Thank you, Viperene, you may bring us to a piece of their land and we shall have a delightful stay here", the giant king cobra spoke with a pleased grin.

Viperene then swiped on her touchpad, then touched it. It shown on the window a holographic target that looked in between the border of Canada and the Midwestern states of the United States. The king cobra sighed of eagerness behind her.

"I'm glad to have found thiss becausse of you and I can't wait to bring the otherss." His eager expression quickly turned into a suspiciously crooked determined look as he announced "Anywayss, onward to Earth."

The spaceship was going faster now, diving towards the target.

As the dove into the Earth's atmosphere, the viper replied "Welcome to Earth, King Klenjaion".

"Perfect. Nothing and nobody will stop uss now", the king muttered with a wicked smile on his face so wide that it nearly brought out his fangs.

Hello, everybody, I know it was a short one but that's the beginning cutscene in this part/episode. Things will get better as you keep on reading (hopefully, lol). See you guys next time. BYE!!!!!

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