(Ep 2) (Pt 2) The 1st alarm

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Night loomed over the little town and all the children were asleep by now. Even the usually nocturnal Elle H, well she wasn't in deep sleep yet. All the thoughts in her head were still buzzing like busy bees in their beehives. Elle doesn't like bees but that's what it felt like, at least thoughts were the only figurative bees she liked.
Her TV was off at that time which was another reason why she was slightly awake. Only constant sound throughout the night helps her sleep, even a couple minutes of silence, she won't take it & will stay awake until the TV was on again. She did hear a sound though, it didn't sound like it was from the TV. It was music, a bit louder, a bit closer to her. Her eyes fluttered open and shut quick as a whip. A flash out bright blue flickered before her eyeballs. Wide-eyed, she gazed at the blue, blinking, musical semi-circle next to her, on her nightstand. It sounded like grand piano with a glockenspiel, quietly shouting at her to waking up.

It's really happening?, she asked herself. It is! It is! I gotta hurry!

Elle hopped off her bed and dashed into the entrance tent. Around her was already spacious so she could keep running without crawling. After about 23 speeding steps she already grew tired of it and flew the rest of the way. She flew down, down, down, down to the door.

There's stairs here already?, she thought, Dang, they must be fast!

When stairs were no more, she landed on her hands and feet onto the flat ground. She jogged over to the door and speedily typed in the code on the keypad. The door opened wide to her, revealing her agents sitting around the conference roundtable. It was dark inside as always with just one dim-ish light that hung over the white-ish silver roundtable. All the agents except for Miguel Camel-ot were wide awake, Miguel however looked more tired than usual, at least he still smiled. Elle sat down in her chair and looked up at the ceiling of darkness. The TV screen was slowly coming down from it again.

Is it the Blue Diamond? I bet it is, she thought.

After it's quiet static state, the diamond appeared on the screen looking concerned and frightened.

"The alarm rang, what happened?", Elle asked worriedly.

"Alien intruders from outside of the Solar System has landed on Earth close to your hometown.", the Blue Diamond explained, "Since you seem up to the task, I want you to figure out what they want and why they came to your world."

"Aliens from outside the Solar System, huh", Elle spoke.

"Are they perhaps from a galaxy far far away?", Blubby Octopus asked half-serious half-jokingly.

"Perhaps", the Blue Diamond replied "and since they're by your location this is your 1st chance as hero-in-training to make sure they don't want anything bad to happen to Earth."

"I'll try my best, Blue Diamond", Elle bowed as she saluted.

"And make sure to bring an agent or agents along with you, who knows what they're capable of and you're still learning your powers", the diamond warned.

"Alright, alright, I will", Elle replied tired yet serious.

"Good. We all wish you the best of luck, you know. Enjoy your first mission", the wise diamond man encouraged.

"Ok, dude", Elle responded before the TV turned itself off.

It rose back up to the ceiling of mysterious darkness above.

I will enjoy...my 1st mission!, Elle's thoughts said.

"I guess I need to put on my suit. I can't wait!", she exclaimed.

Eagerly, she twists her wrists until they glowed, then clapped twice for the magic to show. Her blue orb element on her chest excitedly flickered its color 4 times, each time that cheerful G note rang out. Magic came pouring out it's center and it grabbed the SuperElle suit quickly. The suit suddenly became one with the magic again as it was putting itself on her. Just like last time, it started the process on her head all the way down to her big feet. A flash of light quickly took place. When it faded away, it revealed SuperElle standing proud with her fists on her hips.

"🎵Tada! SuperElle!🎵" she happily sang.

"Now who do you think should come with you?", Blubby asked.

"Hmm....", Elle became deep in her 6 1/2 year old brain. Who might know how to handle these aliens? Who might be helpful for thi- wait a second!
"Helpfuls!", she exclaimed out loud. "Would you like to help me with my 1st mission?".

"Of course, Elle!", the Helpfuls replied happily.

"Awesome!", Elle exclaimed.

Then she noticed, the floating sphere was in the middle of the roundtable and it glowed twice. After that, it spat out two little costumes. They were tiny enough to fit the Helpfuls and perfect for hand aliens like them. The little costumes were fingerless, had puffy, fuzzy wrists, and they were both gold-ish yellow.

"WHOA!", said everyone in the room.

"Now, how do we put those on?", Trixie Helpful questioned.

"Do we have to do it by fingers?", Dandy Helpful groaned, "Aw man! I like the magical way, like Elle did."

"Maybe I could help...magically", Elle suggested.

"It's worth a try", Trixie replied.

To be honest, Elle didn't even know how to start. The first thing she did was stomp her feet. Nothing. She tried patting her legs. Nothing. She tried clapping her hands. Nothing. She tried a combination of all three. Nothing. Then she tried clapping her hands twice and gesturing her open hands to the Helpfuls. Now things were starting to take place. Blue magic was coming out of her hands like little water geysers. The magic splashed on the two hand aliens, took the two costumes & mashed it in the magical mixture. After a couple of seconds, the magic exploded and faded away. It revealed the Helpfuls in their golden-yellow super-suits.

"WOW!", the three exclaimed in unison as the rest gasped.

"Things are just getting better and better", Old Man Mcturtleton commented.

"Do you two have super-names too?", Sammy Vulture asked.

"We are...", Trixie waited for her brother to complete her sentence.

"The Helpful Handies!", Dandy shouted with pride.

"Genius, brother, genius!", Trixie exclaimed.

It was official. SuperElle & the Helpful Handies were going on their first mission. At first they had no idea where they were going but SuperElle had that feeling. Determination and the urge to fly. She held the Helpful Handies in her hands and took off flying. Up and out of the tents she flew, while behind her, her agency waved good-bye and wished them good luck. then she opened her bedroom window so she could fly up and out into the sparkling night sky.

"Let's go find those aliens!", SuperElle whisper-shouted. Then she turns to you and says "This is gonna be so much fun!".

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