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(I love reading you guys comments they're so comedic and heart warming ❤️😂)

You were startled by tsukasa's chilling voice as he had just awoken, you were also frozen in embarrassment from being in his lap when senku started to explain to tsukasa what was currently happening "your body is surrounded by some mineral substance,there are lions from 9:00 to 2:00 !" Senku yelled as he informed as tsukasa looked at y/n "you might wanna get up mis" tsukasa said when you were yanked by your arm by senku as he furrowed his eyebrows "stay close y/n" senku said staring deeply into your eyes, his glance was so intriguing that it was hard to look away but your sudden staring contest ended when tsukasa started to make his move "ok" he said throwing his arms out as hard as he could with so much force that the stone that covered him flew off .

Y/n's face became red as tsukasa's toned naked body had became evident when senku quickly slapped his hands over her eyes "WAGGh!" Y/n yelped startled "what the hell senku what happened to nobody caring about someone being naked because it's the Stone Age!" She yelled as senku's hand still didn't move from her covered eyes "I HAVE MY REASONS!" Senku blushed as tsukasa finished fighting the lions and skinning it so that the lions coat was like a cape on tsukasa's tall figure.

"As far as what's going on you can take your time in filling me in on the details but I promise you this one thing, that from now on no threat or danger will ever again be Able to visit you again because from now on they'll have to tangle with me" tsukasa said smiling as Taiju started to flip out "HELLYEAAH!" He cheered and turned back to senku who just released y/n's eyes "FRICKIN AWESOME SENKU! Now humanity has brains,brawn and battle ! The three musketeers!" Taiju yelled excitedly as senku only snorted "kukuku I suppose so though at this stage we don't have any muskets or swords" he said as y/n coughed "ahem forgetting someone " y/n said lowly "oh yeah there's y/n who is also the brain she's been my assistant in the science club since forever " senku said grabbing her hand pulling her near him as he looked away blushing "anyway this guy shishio you could say he's almost too strong" senku said changing the subject "there's nothing wrong with being too strong " y/n said nudging him making him stiffen "yeah y/n ~chan's right if anything it just makes him more reliable !" Taiju praised as senku just told Taiju on and on about why tsukasa was too strong by bringing yuzuriha up making Taiju flip .

The group gathered back at the camp introducing themselves and naming things that tsukasa was good at and how he could use his skills for hunting as later that evening tsukasa had caught a ton of fish and everyone were currently sitting around the fire eating the grilled fish when tsukasa sat next to y/n eating his fish as senku glared intensely from afar.

TBC. I just love cliffhangers


Saving humanity  ( Dr.stone x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon