part one - unexpected meeting

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I sigh, rubbing my good eye, as overwhelming, bright light, threatens to melt my retinas. Slight movement notifies me that others are awake, giving me slight comfort, knowing others are around.

I pause, and sit up, awkwardly struggling, as the tanks make it twice as hard, like always, why would i even suggest that it doesn't?

“Hey! Give that back!” someone yells, sending a piercing squeal through my skull. I groan, mainly used to it now.

The curtains remain closed, whilst the waving, dim light is the only light source we have. I stumble and use the table to the side of me, as a leverage, getting up.

“Calm down! There's no need for shouting dears.” obviously akane pleas, knowing that's the way she speaks to basically everyone.

I finally get up, and stand formally, glancing at the situation going on right now.

Aoi is laughing her head off, i assume, whilst shiromi is acting like a child, jumping up and down, trying to get her scarf back, whilst aoi keeps it way out of her reach. Kuroko remains stern, and doesn't even look like she is actually focusing on the pathetic bullying in front of her. Akane however is waving her hands around, trying to calm the situation down, which never works with aoi, and she should know this by now.

I sigh, and shake my head in disappointment. I have always second guessed myself, why i actually let these guys in, seeming as they are constantly at each others necks.

“Miss ryugoku, this is bullying. So give shiromi her scarf back, or you will face consequences,”I order, without hesitation. They need to understand that pathetic joking around is nothing but a waste of time, time that could be used into keeping the school safe.

The other look at me, not shocked in the slightest. Aoi sighs, throwing it against the wall, chuckling as shiromi rushes after it, like a child. I roll my eyes, and lean against the table, noticing that info chan has been quiet for a while now, and well, I don't like it.

Aoi mumble something, catching my attention. I look straight at her, whilst akane breathes, and kuroko moves the table back, like it's nothing.

“You care to tell all of us?” I say, making aoi look away, crossing her arms. Shiromi puts her scarf back on, sulking, like a ten year old. seriously, we have more pressing matters.

“No, its not important anyway. Besides, what's even the point? Even if I told you, you'd just lecture me about being nice to the others.” Aoi retorts, leaving without any warning.

I hold my anger back, and sigh, shaking my head, whilst looking at the table.

She really needs to understand basic rules. Then again, she did leave me, in a deadly situation, so I don't really care anymore.

“You may leave, there's no need to stay.” I order, catching their attention. Shiromi walks away, and akane follows. Kuroko remains as is, confusing me slightly.

“So, who did you have to get this time?” She asks, taking a seat. I pause, not wanting to talk about it.

“Homu kuresu, nothing special.” I reply, taking my own seat, in the same uncomfortable way, with the stupid tanks on my back. I do ask myself sometimes how kuroko does so effectively.

“So, you say it's unimportant, yet, budo mastuda informed me it's a slasher, a plated one at that.” She repiles, resting her arms against the table, not even a ounce of emotion radiates from her.

I say nothing, and shove the idea of paying a little time with budo, I don't need anger to take a hold.

“Yes, she was. However, they aren't a rare appearance within slashers.” I inform, checking through my laptop again, to see if anyone had sent me something.

Like always, nothing. I pause, and glance back at kuroko, who fiddles with her favourite hatchet. It's sliver, metallic head shines against the dim light, casting a threatening shadow over the table, increasing its size dramatically. Her thin, stiff hand clasps over its delicate golden threaded handle. I hate the way she can gracefully hold it, like it's a feather or something.

Her focus seems to be on the hatchet, so maybe she doesn't care as much as I first thought? Who am I kidding, she never talks to me unless it's serious.

“I'm afraid to inform you, but plated slashers aren't actually a common occurrence, only three have been taken down, out of the fifth teen students have mutated into.” She repiles, not taking her eyes away from that lethal weapon.

I hesitate, knowing I've only ever killed slashers, like I'm a higher priced target to them, or something.

I lean on my chair, staring into space, as the metal on my face assaults my senses, like always, and the fact I'm just as blind as that traitorous freak, its not a good combo.

“What's the concern anyway? It's just a rare occurrence.” I reply, sighing, finding it extremely boring when nothing happens. Kuroko pauses, placing the hatchet back, into her waistband. She stares at the table to a second, clenching her hands together, catching my breath, and worry.

“Theres been a increase on immunes being infected.” She repiles, through gritted teeth. I hesitate, knowing she's never pissed, so when she is, its not a good sign, in the slightest.

I sit up straight, and hide my encroaching fear, even through half my face is covered by a bandage and mask, its to easy to read others, because of their reactions.

“So what to you plan to do? Remember, they think we're beneath them.” I retort, grumbling, and looking away, at a bookshelf. I know they thinks we're just pawns, and well, I'm pretty sure their more scared than us, I don't know why, they just are.

“Not all of them. Firstly, its false news, ayano had some issues of hierarchy, but she resolved them quickly, so they aren't in that mind set anymore. Secondly, they aren't really immune anymore, as well, they can get infected as well.” Kuroko evaluates, drumming her  fingers against the table, which catches my attention.

She never does that, only aoi and maybe akane, but never her. I stand up, the weight on my back remains the same, which is so close to giving me worse back problems than aoi, I swear.

“What's troubling you?” I ask, remaining formal, without any concern at all.

She pauses, and doesn't look my way, like I expected, its normal for her to hate my guts, being as I took her place. Besides, nobody gets along anyway, its the way it works.

“It's of my own personal bearing, none of your concern.” She repiles, staring at me, her glasses shield her eyes, as they narrow against me. I know I've overstepped my boundaries; such a idiot.

I remain calm, and glance away, and pause. Maybe I shouldn't have asked, me and my big mouth, brilliant.

The door creaks open, catching both of our attention, almost immediately. Kuroko seemingly acts normal, as darioku surkizu walks in, his rifle in his hand, always alert. I grimace at the sight of his disgusting face, hating the delinquents with a passion, but, their useful footsoldiers, so I've kept them on a watchlist, knowing osaro is the main combat leader.

“What do you want?” Kuroko asks for both of us. I stay as is, crossing my arms, as his repulsive blue shirt shuffles as he lifts his rifle up, making sure he doesn't drop it.

“Genka wants you, just megami, and aoi.” He smirks, making me jolt back in shock.

Everyone knows about our hate, and well, he's obviously loving it. Kuroko remains as is, and turns around, adjusting her glasses in disgust. I don't blame her in the slightest.

I shuffle my blazer, and grab my equipment, bracing myself.

“Lead the way.”

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