part six - rare strains

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“What the hell was that about?” I yell, pinning aoi against the wall, “ive had it with your stupid behavior!” I add, and she doesn't even flinch, obviously knowing she's just being a huge burden.

“Megami dear, there's no need for a heightened conversation.” Akane pleas, going straight through me, making me drop aoi, before kneeing her in the face, and turn around.

The others pause, kuroko stays next to the curtains, whilst shiromi walks to akane, still grinning like a idiot.

“Your one to talk. What was it you were doing? Having a mothers meeting! With amai! What's the point in that! Food supply is running smoothly, whilst i’m risking my life, again, to save your ass!” I yell, slamming on the table, making it shudder slightly.

A small shuffle behind me, makes me sigh, as I know she's getting back up.

Kuroko stands there, keeping her grip on the hatchet, bracing herself for anything, and I wouldn't blame her, for having two immunes and a freak of nature here.

“Take a chill pill, saikou, there's no need to act psycho.” Shiromi jokes, and I snap, leaping over the table, with skills I've gained from dodging attacks, and punch her in the face, making her fall.

Akane gasps, and tries to grab my arms, the way aoi does, but I headbutt her, making her falter. She falls back, as shiromi gets up, only to get another punch in the face.

“Enough! Megami, sort yourself out, your a disgrace! Shiromi, shut up!” Kuroko yells, taking us all back.

I pause, and sort my blazer out, my anger not receding one bit, but I should notch it down a little, after all, I have to make sure none of these idiots do anything stupid.

“Well, what did I walk into?” Someone says, and I turn around, to find ayano standing there, her mask and scars tell me straight away.

I groan in frustration, as she closes the door. The others say nothing, as she's technically in charge of the immunes, and I'm in change of the non immune.

She sits down, on the spare seat, and places her rifle on the table, getting a sigh from kuroko. I don't look her way, and walk to my desk, making sure I don't just shoot her in the head now.

“What do you want? You have no business here.” I ask, sitting down, the leather making the same infuriating screams, as the metal threatens to tear it to shreds.

I gesture the others to sit down, and they do as much, with aoi leaning against the curtains, like always, seemingly unfazed that I just kneed her in the face, slightly cracking her mask.

Ayano smirks, and leans towards the table, resting her arms on it, whilst shiromi next to her, leans back, staring into space, like always.

“I heard about genka, and came here to ask a few questions.” Ayano starts, and I glance at aoi, who looks just as confused. Brilliant.

“That's classified, there's nothing to find anyway.” I reply, opening my laptop, and check through any logs from the non immune.

“Oh, but your wrong. You see, two of my best were guarding that door, so where at threat.” Ayano repiles, and I stop, tapping my hand against the keyboard, suggesting my anger, as it threatens to spill out everywhere.

“So? They weren't as threatened by the mutt than me and aoi were, so they don't matter within the authority.” I reply, and carry on, trying to move pass the stupid question, what happened within the room is for me and aoi, genka specifically asked for us.

Ayano chuckles slightly, and stands up, leaning the shoulder holder of her rifle on the table, as she messes with the muzzle.

“Oh. So what does aoi classify as? She's not immune, or non immune, besides, nobody is anymore are they?” Ayano taunts, getting a confused look from akane, as she looks at me, worried.

outbreak (Dis Continued)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat